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Be as cruel as you like!


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Please take a moment to imagine what it would be like without them. I can guarantee things would be a lot worse.


They DO do good and DO protect animals in this country. No they are not perfect but then please name a large organisation that never screws up and doesn't have any stupid policies?


I don't know why they remove records after 12 months, but it could well be due to some ridiculous data laws or god knows what that's outside of their control. Perhaps you could write to them and ask? Not really sure what ranting on a forum is going to achieve.

(my bold)

And yes the RSPCA have their time wasted constantly. My other half's dad has been visited several times because he had spiteful neighbours who make up rubbish. Thankfully he's moved house now.


I didn't say I thought ranting on a forum was going to achieve anything

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Rspca don't seem to know what's important & what's not. Iv had 2 visits from them. The 1st because someone reported us for negligence to our cats... they came out within a wk of the report (that's what theysaid) & they were very gd, checked my cats & was more than happy with our care & love for them.. The 2nd time was about 14 month later.... my husband built a shelter for a couple of our cats has they won't come in at night and i was worried about them in the cold. Very cozy with bedding and it is waterproof etc... The rspca came out due to a report someone had made that wk about us being cruel to our pet rabbits (we have never had any rabbits) looked at the shelter and again was impressed that we loved our cats that much to think about them being in the cold. Again praised us and apologised?, turned out that some idiots even though we keep ourselves to ourselves had a gripe with us. With the rspca & police they found out who & got a warning. So it seems that rspca hurry on some reports & not on others.

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If you feel the situation has not been handled correctly, then please write in to the Headquarters, instead of on here.....



Thanks for the link, and I will let them know of my misgivings about their handling of this situation.


I'm a bit tired though of people inferring that I somehow thought that by registering my feelings on here, a pet forum presumably populated by animal lovers, it would somehow magically reform RSPCA in and of itself.


I merely wanted people on here to be aware of how RSPCA operates with regards to reports of cruelty, and I don't really need the barbed comments, and non comments signified by carefully placed ............




Oh and I did make my feelings very clear to the inspector I spoke to after the 'investigation'

Edited by NewBiz
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Newbiz, give the Sheffield animal welfare officer a ring LINSEY 01142930357 she may be able to help...she came and checked my horses passports and gave me advise on other matters,she is very helpful.


Thanks ferretman I will. Is she anything to do with RSPCA or is she from another body, i.e SCC?

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Newbiz,Lindsey Hodkin works for the Environment Protection Service which is the animal welfare part of SCC,she visits farms and stables checking horse passports..ear tagging agricultural paper work like movement and medication records and I think she works in conjunction with DEFRA and gives advice on animal welfare,hope this helps.

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