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This is the bit I don't get. You disregard evidence from people who have been smacked as a child. You say inspite of this we are still wrong. Yet many people were smacked as children and live law abiding happy lives so surely it works. You may not agree with smacking and chose to do it yourself, that is absolutely fine. But you cant dismiss evidence that in some cases it works and dictate to others how to discipline their child.


I disregard apocryphal evidence. There is no real evidence that physically assaulting children is in any way beneficial to their development into happy law abiding citizens. I cannot condone grown adults hitting children for any reason. It is completely indefensible.


---------- Post added 26-08-2015 at 12:33 ----------


Your are putting words into my mouth. I never said beat a child. I never even said you had to hit a child!!! So stop putting words into my mouth please and try to be constructive instead


You replied to a post of mine regarding hitting children with a rant about instilling discipline. You should have been more specific in your reply.


---------- Post added 26-08-2015 at 12:34 ----------


oh dear not the smacking children causes them unrelenting harm and ruins their life old chestnut again. I would think that most people over the age of 45 were smacked and received strict discipline which is why we had respect for our elders and anyone in authority which I am afraid is sadly lacking now. I admit I occasionally lightly slapped my daughter she was that badly affected that she starts University in September and is a decent member of society, unlike many of the left to do as they please brigade.


Do you like hitting children?

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I disregard apocryphal evidence. There is no real evidence that physically assaulting children is in any way beneficial to their development into happy law abiding citizens. I cannot condone grown adults hitting children for any reason. It is completely indefensible.


---------- Post added 26-08-2015 at 12:33 ----------



You replied to a post of mine regarding hitting children with a rant about instilling discipline. You should have been more specific in your reply.


---------- Post added 26-08-2015 at 12:34 ----------



Do you like hitting children?


Ok do you have any evidence that smacking a child harms thier development and do you have any evidence that not hitting children improves thier development. I think the answer to those two questions will be no. Yes its apocryphal os if other chastisment is used. So lets stop dictating to parents which route of discipline is best as evidence on both is apocryphal anyway and let them be parents. You have every right not to chose that form of chastisment of children but it should be up to the parent how to chastise their child.

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Ok do you have any evidence that smacking a child harms thier development and do you have any evidence that not hitting children improves thier development. I think the answer to those two questions will be no. Yes its apocryphal os if other chastisment is used. So lets stop dictating to parents which route of discipline is best as evidence on both is apocryphal anyway and let them be parents. You have every right not to chose that form of chastisment of children but it should be up to the parent how to chastise their child.
My mum used to give me a slap now and again and I definitely deserved it. She was a single mum and I was horrible at times. I can imagine my long term development at that current moment was the last thing on her mind, she probably just wanted some peace and was at the end of her tether!


I don't know how I would deal with it if I had children myself. It's pretty much impossible to predict what one would do until you're actually in that position.

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You replied to a post of mine regarding hitting children with a rant about instilling discipline. You should have been more specific in your reply.



No, read my words, You "donotremove" had/have no right to imply that I beat children and I am very deeply offended by this! I advise you not to do so again. Thanks


You are taking things way out of proportion in this thread and there is a very big difference to beating a child to giving one a quick clip and in my view needs to get a grip on reality!

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Ok do you have any evidence that smacking a child harms thier development and do you have any evidence that not hitting children improves thier development. I think the answer to those two questions will be no. Yes its apocryphal os if other chastisment is used. So lets stop dictating to parents which route of discipline is best as evidence on both is apocryphal anyway and let them be parents. You have every right not to chose that form of chastisment of children but it should be up to the parent how to chastise their child.


I can find a great deal of evidence that physically assaulting a child can be very detrimental; as can you, you need not look very far.


Whether you like it or not, the law dictates that parents can not hit their children because it is very wrong to hit children. Therefore, a parent should not choose to hit their children.


---------- Post added 26-08-2015 at 14:56 ----------


No, read my words, You "donotremove" had/have no right to imply that I beat children and I am very deeply offended by this! I advise you not to do so again. Thanks


So you are offended? Do you think this entitles you to certain rights? I have not implied that you beat children so try and keep a sense of perspective.




You are taking things way out of proportion in this thread and there is a very big difference to beating a child to giving one a quick clip and in my view needs to get a grip on reality!


I have not taken anything out of proportion; hitting children is wrong, whether that is 'beating a child' or 'giving one a quick clip'. It is still the physical assault on a child by an adult; there is no need for it and you cannot justify it.

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I have not taken anything out of proportion; hitting children is wrong, whether that is 'beating a child' or 'giving one a quick clip'. It is still the physical assault on a child by an adult; there is no need for it and you cannot justify it.
Yes, all parents pre-70's were incredibly immoral and we should have punished all of them.
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You do not need to physically assault a child to instill discipline.


You do not earn respect by beating children. Quite the opposite in fact.


Please bear in mind that physically assaulting children can be psychlogically damaging for the child as well as physically damaging. It is also, quite rightly, illegal. Please bear this in mind next time you consider raising your hand to a child. There are safer, more constructive and more sophisticated ways to communicate with children, might I suggest you give these a try.



Refer to your last post. I now ask you for a public apology for implying that I JarvisS8 have ever hit a child. If you do not comply, I will be seeking legal advise for defamation of character.


Thank you, Yours sincerely, JarvisS8.

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Refer to your last post. I now ask you for a public apology for implying that I JarvisS8 have ever hit a child. If you do not comply, I will be seeking legal advise for defamation of character.


Thank you, Yours sincerely, JarvisS8.


I have nothing to apologise for darling; I have not implied that you have hit a child, read the post again and you will see that this is not the case. Feel free to apologise to me when you have worked it out. (You don't have to if you don't want to)


I look forward to hearing from your legal team. Good luck on that front.


---------- Post added 26-08-2015 at 16:23 ----------


Yes, all parents pre-70's were incredibly immoral and we should have punished all of them.


You think so? Why is this?

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I have nothing to apologise for darling; I have not implied that you have hit a child, read the post again and you will see that this is not the case. Feel free to apologise to me when you have worked it out. (You don't have to if you don't want to)


I look forward to hearing from your legal team. Good luck on that front.


---------- Post added 26-08-2015 at 16:23 ----------



You think so? Why is this?




You do you just lack the intelligence to understand that you should think before you speak/write no matter if your behind or keyboard and monitor or not.


Definition of defamation of character; occurs when someone makes a false statement about you that causes you some type of harm. The statement must be published (meaning some third party must have heard it), false, and it must result in harm, usually to the reputation.


Your words; You do not need to physically assault a child to instill discipline.


You do not earn respect by beating children. Quite the opposite in fact.


Please bear in mind that physically assaulting children can be psychlogically damaging for the child as well as physically damaging. It is also, quite rightly, illegal. Please bear this in mind next time you consider raising your hand to a child. There are safer, more constructive and more sophisticated ways to communicate with children, might I suggest you give these a try.


we will focus on " Please bear this in mind next time you consider raising your hand to a child.


You is me JarvisS8 in the context of your reply; NEXT time YOU CONSIDER RAISING YOUR HAND TO A CHILD.


Do I need to give you the definition of the wording you used which is poor. Your argument is weak and you had to resort of jumping to conclusions about me and trying to make a fool of me.


I don't have kids have never raised my hands to one I don't plan to have kids and nevr plan to raise my hands to one ever. So YOU do owe me an apology. Have a good day

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You do you just lack the intelligence to understand that you should think before you speak/write no matter if your behind or keyboard and monitor or not.


Definition of defamation of character; occurs when someone makes a false statement about you that causes you some type of harm. The statement must be published (meaning some third party must have heard it), false, and it must result in harm, usually to the reputation.


Your words; You do not need to physically assault a child to instill discipline.


You do not earn respect by beating children. Quite the opposite in fact.


Please bear in mind that physically assaulting children can be psychlogically damaging for the child as well as physically damaging. It is also, quite rightly, illegal. Please bear this in mind next time you consider raising your hand to a child. There are safer, more constructive and more sophisticated ways to communicate with children, might I suggest you give these a try.


we will focus on " Please bear this in mind next time you consider raising your hand to a child.


You is me JarvisS8 in the context of your reply; NEXT time YOU CONSIDER RAISING YOUR HAND TO A CHILD.


Do I need to give you the definition of the wording you used which is poor. Your argument is weak and you had to resort of jumping to conclusions about me and trying to make a fool of me.


I don't have kids have never raised my hands to one I don't plan to have kids and nevr plan to raise my hands to one ever. So YOU do owe me an apology. Have a good day



Rather than you persisting on embarrassing yourself on here why don't you just get in touch with your legal team and have them speak to me. I look forward to hearing from them when they have finished laughing at you.


If you can't handle a difference of opinion and want to get upset next time you hear something you don't like then take my advice and stay away from the internet.


I will not be apologising as I have nothing to apologise for. Go and get your solicitor to try and get one from me if you wish.

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