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How many more Benefits programs can Channel 5 churn out


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Benefits by the sea.


Benefit Britain, Life on the dole


Benefits, big families


12 years old and on benefits


Great big benefits wedding


Benefits and bypasses


Benefit Britain, me and my 14 kids


My big benefits family


Benefits, too fat to work


Benefits, dogs on the dole


Plus many others.


How much more crap can channel 5 (and channel 4) shove down our throats.

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Pity they don't change the word 'Benefits', to Non-Doms, or Tax evaders/avoiders.


Now programs on the above would really get people's' dander going. I wonder why the right wing producers of these program's don't do a series on these people?

Who do they want you to be angry with and blame the ills of the country on really?

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You're right, there are lots tonight.


I just watched one for about 3 minutes and turned it off.


The woman said she's struggling to feed her boy, but has a new boyfriend and preggers :hihi:


It's just Jeremy Kyle but inside homes rather than on a set.


I suppose they've got to give Labour voters something to sit and watch and complain about.. it is the Tory's fault that people can't make decisions afterall 8)

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Now Ch5 has been sold by the porno king Desmond to Viacom, once these productions are out of the way, then maybe things will change, unless they get high rating which can't be the case as diminishing return must occur.


Desmond could've combined his obvious knowledge of porn with the Ch 5 schedule and come up with:


Benefits & Big Jugs


I serviced the man from the social for a Crisis Loan



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Benefits by the sea.


Benefit Britain, Life on the dole


Benefits, big families


12 years old and on benefits


Great big benefits wedding


Benefits and bypasses


Benefit Britain, me and my 14 kids


My big benefits family


Benefits, too fat to work


Benefits, dogs on the dole


Plus many others.


How much more crap can channel 5 (and channel 4) shove down our throats.


To paraphrase the tag line from the awesome True Detective - you get he TV you deserve. You keep watching crap, you'll get more crap. Don't watch crap - there's no excuse for it anymore.

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Why has this thread been moved from general discussions to entertainment chat.....These programs are not entertainment. This is about channel 5 and the propaganda it turns out.

Please put the thread back to where is was.


From your perspective and mine maybe..but there are many out there that will disagree. It's TV so it's 'entertainment'.

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