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Reporter and cameraman shot dead, live on TV..

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It appears we live in the age of shock. Really hate someone? Execute them (the reporter, a 24 year old woman) live on TV, shoot her cameraman (27, managed to get a shot of the murderer before dying) and whoever they happen to be interviewing (A lady who is being operated on a bullet in her back).


The reason? The murderer felt picked on by the reporter at work. Yes, he worked at the same station.


Looking for a UK source as I got this info from a Dutch news site.

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Another shooting in America...seems to be a common occurrence.


What's disgusting me particularly (as well as the shooting) is that I had the option of viewing the video footage through Facebook and a well-known newspaper online article.


There's something unsettling about the ease of watching 2 people getting gunned down like it was any other video you could view on Youtube. It seems like we are living in a time where everything we do is captured on video.

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Another shooting in America...seems to be a common occurrence.


What's disgusting me particularly (as well as the shooting) is that I had the option of viewing the video footage through Facebook and a well-known newspaper online article.


There's something unsettling about the ease of watching 2 people getting gunned down like it was any other video you could view on Youtube. It seems like we are living in a time where everything we do is captured on video.


Yes, when ISIS were beheading people they'd kidnapped, apparently the videos were uploaded to Facebook or some other social network.

Facebook didn't even take the truly abhorrent videos down. Sick.

I cannot for the life in me understand why anyone would want to watch someone being beheaded, or in this case gunned down....Some people are just ghoulish

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