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Reporter and cameraman shot dead, live on TV..

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I see the suspect is black so I assume this will be treated as racist. White lives matter !


I excel in stupid but this post is so daft even i cant get my head around it.


---------- Post added 26-08-2015 at 19:13 ----------


Seen the report and its graphic. I also get the posters racial angle although i think martin6 could have worded it better.


---------- Post added 26-08-2015 at 19:15 ----------


Another shooting in America...seems to be a common occurrence.


What's disgusting me particularly (as well as the shooting) is that I had the option of viewing the video footage through Facebook and a well-known newspaper online article.


There's something unsettling about the ease of watching 2 people getting gunned down like it was any other video you could view on Youtube. It seems like we are living in a time where everything we do is captured on video.


21st century problem mate.

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Another shooting in America...seems to be a common occurrence.


What's disgusting me particularly (as well as the shooting) is that I had the option of viewing the video footage through Facebook and a well-known newspaper online article.


There's something unsettling about the ease of watching 2 people getting gunned down like it was any other video you could view on Youtube. It seems like we are living in a time where everything we do is captured on video.


The clip I saw didn't show them being shot, only the gunman waving the gun around for a few seconds, up to the point it showed on tv and the reporter running into a building.

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The clip I saw didn't show them being shot, only the gunman waving the gun around for a few seconds, up to the point it showed on tv and the reporter running into a building.


I've not watched the video. I find it disrespectful personally. But when the title of the video is 'US. Reporter & Cameraman Get Shot' I assume it's a video of them being injured/screaming etc.


Sadly the times we are living in..

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I've not watched the video. I find it disrespectful personally. But when the title of the video is 'US. Reporter & Cameraman Get Shot' I assume it's a video of them being injured/screaming etc.


Sadly the times we are living in..


No it wasn't, it was the few seconds before just showing a hand with a gun while she was talking.

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When it's the other way round police automatically assume it's racist even before questioning the suspect. I got in there first and assumed for them. By all means bury your head in the sand and deny this.


To be honest I think you're wrong, the gunman shot his victims because of a previous altercation between them, not because of her colour.

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When it's the other way round police automatically assume it's racist even before questioning the suspect. I got in there first and assumed for them. By all means bury your head in the sand and deny this.

no we dont


sensible people look at the reasons why people do a crime not assume, and definately not make up things for political gain.


Just because a black person commits a crime against a white person and indeed a white person commits a crime against a black person does not make it racist


it could be robbery...etc


in this case the killer was an ex worker aggreived with the people he killed. personally i havent seen the "racist" bits in the news bits ive read, just that the cameraman reported him previously, and obviously he lost his job, being an "ex" employee.

It ties in with what ive always thought about gun control / lack off in america, a lot of these crimes are purely people who are angry with somebody , something, some place and its far far far too easy to get a gun and kill as many people as you want.

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