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Eastern European Women Beggars

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Best to avoid the city centre entirely. I do.


Yeah, the sight of someone holding a cup and muttering please is too much. The only way is to avoid the entire area!


I've seen 2 of these women in the underpasses on St Mary's Gate for about 6 months.

They swap locations periodically.


I was in Leeds early this week and went out for lunch, they seem to have a similar problem but with shifty looking white men in there 20 - 40's. Sat in various locations around the train station. And quite a few walking about in tracksuits and looking equally shifty.

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I was in Leeds early this week and went out for lunch, they seem to have a similar problem but with shifty looking white men in there 20 - 40's. Sat in various locations around the train station. And quite a few walking about in tracksuits and looking equally shifty.


Those are just normal Leeds folk :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:

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I wish I had to guts to say thanks, take the cup and walk off with it. But guessing that there's several minders hanging around keeping an eye on one another. It could all end in tears.


Why? Do you make a habit of taking pleasure through the distress of others?

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