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Relax Immigration says Inst' of Directors

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When we have dont have enough doctors and nurses, or at least that is what is said, its impossible to implement.


That's quite possibly because migrants now take up so much of our NHS in the first instance.

Damn it, I know of friends who are struggling to find anywhere to live because they cannot earn enough. Yet we open up and let thousands flock in, give them money, someplace to live........what the hell!!


I'm not racist, but being a realist labels you as a racist.

It's verging on discriminating on those who are British!!



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Also, must look at why we have skills shortage...look at our education systems why more people are not getting those skills.


Employers will always say they struggle to get staff, they should try increasing their wages.

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Would like to argue against you, but cant !Because your right !


I know personally of some staff on £10 per shift !

Which would be highly illegal.


If you think it's happening, why don't you report it.


---------- Post added 27-08-2015 at 17:42 ----------


You are talking about stopping it entirely, which is certainly not realistic or desirable. If migrants have skills we need and can make a positive financial and social contribution then we'd be stupid not to accept them.


Missing the point of the thread?


Apparently the Institute Of Directors wants the PM to relax on migrants entering the UK!!


Because it says lack of skilled workers is affecting companies here.


---------- Post added 27-08-2015 at 17:42 ----------


Employers will always say they struggle to get staff, they should try increasing their wages.


Pay what you like. If there are no people with the skills then there are no people with the skills.


---------- Post added 27-08-2015 at 17:43 ----------


Secure the borders & give skilled workers a work visa then.

Exactly what is done for immigrants from outside the EU.

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I am not for letting immigrants in we have enough people without importing more. But there is a serious labour shortage that needs attention.


As someone has mentioned give out work visa's.


As for training our young people that is not as easy as you would think. I am in construction and now the school leaver is 18 years old and wanting £150 a week for not know anything. You may feel they are justified. But that is about 40% of a skilled mans wage but in their first yeat* they are lucky if they turn out 10% of a skilled persons output. They are simply too expensive and * it is unlikely they will even last 6 months, the work is too hard for this the 21st century.


Laying bricks and stone is as hard as it was in the 1800's! There are easier jobs put there which is more reliable (who want to employ brickies in winter), cleaner and a hell of a lot easier.


For me bring back proper apprenticeships, leave school at 16 and be paid 20% of a skilled mans wage. 16 or 18 year olds know nothing for the first few months. There are CITB grants available but 13 weeks in arrears. No good if they leave in the first 13 weeks which they often do. The grant needs paying monthly.


Rant over.

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Political parties are kept in the style they are accustomed to by rich corporations and rich men; and he who pays the piper calls the tune.


Capitalism dictates that there is no such thing as a population that is too big. More people means more cheap labour, more consumption of goods and more profit for the already rich.


The downsides of mass immigration does not touch these people, and every politician who says they intend to reduce immigration is a liar.

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Which would be highly illegal.


If you think it's happening, why don't you report it.


---------- Post added 27-08-2015 at 17:42 ----------



Missing the point of the thread?



---------- Post added 27-08-2015 at 17:42 ----------



Pay what you like. If there are no people with the skills then there are no people with the skills.


---------- Post added 27-08-2015 at 17:43 ----------


Exactly what is done for immigrants from outside the EU.


Actually it's for about 5 hours work, and who's job gets put at risk when they raid it ,mine ! Are you personally going to pay my rent and bills when my job disappears ?.


Quite frankly I've done so much for other people my entire life, and its got me nowhere, sod it I'm out, I'm doing what's best for me now !

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