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Relax Immigration says Inst' of Directors

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Low paid menial work done by immigrants releases uk workers to fill more skilled better paid jobs. We need to maintain the flow of immigrants for menial service type employment.


We dont have enough houses to allow in extra workers

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According to the news there are now 8 million "foreigners" among us. I assume that is some kind of official count, how many more are among us who are not on the list, another million, three million. Wonder why the Inst of Directors want even more to come here, nowt to do with cheap labour I suppose.



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According to the news there are now 8 million "foreigners" among us. I assume that is some kind of official count, how many more are among us who are not on the list, another million, three million. Wonder why the Inst of Directors want even more to come here, nowt to do with cheap labour I suppose.




Someone who can count would be an advantage,





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Low paid menial work done by immigrants releases uk workers to fill more skilled better paid jobs. We need to maintain the flow of immigrants for menial service type employment.


That's the theory, reality says different, at my last job there were 10 forklift driver's, which is low skilled, were are those 10 people supposed to go to after being replaced ? They can't all become the shift manager , I'd they all became cnc machinists which is middle skilled then were fo those cnc machinists go ? 10 into one doesn't go !


And then there is the retraining costs , if your on the low income, bills to pay etc etc the government won't help, trust me I've spent the last 2 weeks trying for funding to retrain. Computer says no.

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Someone who can count would be an advantage,






Because there aren't 53,000 immigrants,that's why..........there are 53,000 new immigrants...that's your 29MILLION TIDAL WAVE that Farage FEARMONGERED about.:D

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Low paid menial work done by immigrants releases uk workers to fill more skilled better paid jobs. We need to maintain the flow of immigrants for menial service type employment.


There are plenty of British low skilled workers who could do those jobs, but they too at least deserve a wage that allows them a half decent standard of living, afford a home, support a family etc.


But why would employers pay a living wage to Brits when migrants prepared to live in slum conditions will work for less because it is still far more than they'd get back home. Living in slum conditions allows migrants can live here cheaper than Brits can and send the surplus home. Brits can't afford to stoop that low. Mass migration and open borders with the EU provides unlimited supply of labour, wage depression, and a low wage economy.

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There are plenty of British low skilled workers who could do those jobs, but they too at least deserve a wage that allows them a half decent standard of living, afford a home, support a family etc.


But why would employers pay a living wage to Brits when migrants prepared to live in slum conditions will work for less because it is still far more than they'd get back home. Living in slum conditions allows migrants can live here cheaper than Brits can and send the surplus home. Brits can't afford to stoop that low. Mass migration and open borders with the EU provides unlimited supply of labour, wage depression, and a low wage economy.


Trade Unions got slaughtered by the Right Wingers when they dared to ask for minimum wage figures to go up..........now that it's the 'poor Brits' that are affected by low wages,the same ones are crying into their beer about low wages............laughable.:)

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Because there aren't 53,000 immigrants,that's why..........there are 53,000 new immigrants...that's your 29MILLION TIDAL WAVE that Farage FEARMONGERED about.:D


Apparently you have an inability at reading,


"For the year to March 2015, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) reported that there were 53,000 new Romanian and Bulgarian immigrants – “a statistically significant increase and almost double the 28,000 in the previous 12 months”.


Indeed such a rise is significant, but the question is – why are the National Insurance numbers (NINos) so different, at a total of 214,000 registrations of Romanians and Bulgarians (EU2) to the year ending June 2015

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