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Relax Immigration says Inst' of Directors

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Its OK for the people in the institute of directors, they don't have to live in the multicult.


But we all live in a world where people move around for jobs, ever since the days of Auf Wiedersehen, Pet; and before.

Travel is so cheap, and the differentials of wealth between countries is so much, that even low skilled farm workers travel afar for work. But when the influx of workers becomes so large, any positives are outweighed by the negatives.

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Apparently you have an inability at reading,


"For the year to March 2015, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) reported that there were 53,000 new Romanian and Bulgarian immigrants – “a statistically significant increase and almost double the 28,000 in the previous 12 months”.


Indeed such a rise is significant, but the question is – why are the National Insurance numbers (NINos) so different, at a total of 214,000 registrations of Romanians and Bulgarians (EU2) to the year ending June 2015


I think you might have the difficulty............it was me who put the NEW in my post,to correct the 53,000 immigrants headline you quoted..........without the NEW.

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Well you couldn't see this one coming up, it's not like the Institute of Directors to want a scramble for low paid jobs. And I wonder if there's a referendum coming up, it wouldn't possibly be part of the propaganda onslaught to keep us in the EU.

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Would like to argue against you, but cant !Because your right !


I know personally of some staff on £10 per shift !


It is short term thinking though, who do they think will buy their products when no one can afford them in a decades time ?


And make no mistake both Labour and the conservatives have gladly ignored the situation.


You are right this is exactly what the three main parties want.


As for how people buy stuff: debt. They take on lots of debt to make up the shortfall.

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I think you might have the difficulty............it was me who put the NEW in my post,to correct the 53,000 immigrants headline you quoted..........without the NEW.


Could have been here already having immigrated under the points scheme.

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I think you might have the difficulty............it was me who put the NEW in my post,to correct the 53,000 immigrants headline you quoted..........without the NEW.


Didn't you read the rest?


I think Nigel may have underestimated his 29 million when the visa's start floating about like confetti.

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Those poor migrants have been deceived in the same way as have our UK students into thinking that educational "attainment" is essential , to some extent .


One Syrian migrant on the news claimed his brother MUST be allowed into the EU because he had a degree in geology...but when thinking about it this guy might actually have some really useful knowledge when it comes to the fracking debate...


And how many have media studies degrees? Not that many I'd guess. So set up immigrant processing centres in the nearest safe country, surely that would be a start?

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Missing the point of the thread?


Don't know.


The Istitute for Directors are saying they need more cheap labour and don't consider anything else. They certainly miss the point. They ignore the social cost. They ignore the financial cost to the State. They ignore that wage compression is one of the causes of the 'benefit trap'. They ignore the fact that we need to invest in training our own. They ignore the impact it has on countries of origin when they poach labour and skills they need to break out of the poverty driving migration. It is all me, me, me.


The politicians miss the point too. They have no interest in trying to devise an immigration system that is effective - partly because their hands are tied by the EU. They instead invent policy to manage the net migration numbers through targets, which will deliver worse outcomes. They create a culture where there will no longer be an effort to retain valuable people thinking of leaving and where valuable people wanting to come in will be rejected. The net migration figure target drives behaviour that might (one day) start to lower the figure but it does not measure the effectiveness or impact of immigration management. It is a red herring. It is a con in the making.


Whether I'm missing the point of the thread or not, those are important things for people to bear in mind when forming a view on immigration whatever side of the debate they find themselves on.

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Those poor migrants have been deceived in the same way as have our UK students into thinking that educational "attainment" is essential , to some extent .


More student debt that does not get paid off, not sure if it works the same as UK students, I just heard a headline the other day.

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