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Relax Immigration says Inst' of Directors

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To train people you need people to train, has it occurred to you that the schools might be failing? Not just the bottom-dwelling horror schools we all hear about, but in fact the whole system?


I thought Michael Gove fixed that ;)

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No you are wrong, the government is actively choosing not to, by frustrating the immigration process, but you don't believe that so you think it does.


To train people you need people to train, has it occurred to you that the schools might be failing? Not just the bottom-dwelling horror schools we all hear about, but in fact the whole system?


No you are wrong, and 7.5 million foreign-born residents in the UK and another 641,000 arriving in the past years proves you wrong.


Thousands of British young people are being let down by our education system and lack of training places after they leave school. The Youth are there and want the training, it just isn't available in high enough numbers.

Schools are suffering under the pressure of mass immigration and that is bound to have a knock on effect on British children.


---------- Post added 28-08-2015 at 19:45 ----------


Higher wages = higher prices


We would all suffer .


Increased demand also increases prices, food miles increase prices, so using immigrants as cheap labour must also increase prices because they increase demand.

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I thought Michael Gove fixed that ;)


I am sure he thinks that as well :)


This does apply to all the E U though


To a degree it applies to every economy, you always get friction unemployment and you get too many qualified to do one job whilst having a shortage in another. But the simple fact in the UK is that we seem to have a lot of these gaps, in particular nursing, just today Look North announced that two local trusts are going to have to recruit from EU countries because they can simply not fill vacancies.


No you are wrong, and 7.5 million foreign-born residents in the UK and another 641,000 arriving in the past years proves you wrong.


Does it? You don't think it proves that people are choosing to fight through the system despite of the difficulties? It also shows a historic imbalance, doesn't it? How many of those are first generation immigrants from Asia and the Caribbean for example?

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Does it?




You don't think it proves that people are choosing to fight through the system despite of the difficulties?



It also shows a historic imbalance, doesn't it?


An historic imbalance in what?


How many of those are first generation immigrants from Asia and the Caribbean for example?


Why does it matter?

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Nurses need degrees, local trusts can only train them professionally once they qualify.


They have only needed a degree since 2013; that they need a degree was announced in 2009, plenty of time to make any changes to recruitment.

I am sure having a degree will give them a much higher salary, but if that was not taken into account - I guess foreign nurses might be required.

They lower their standards when getting staff from abroad, if they did that in the UK they would not need to recruit abroad.

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One thing I haven't seen mentioned is even if higher skilled workers are employed then the progression of the lower skilled then is virtually stopped too, why train somebody up who knows the company when one can just be imported, meaning the low skilled stay low skilled.


I even failed an interview a few weeks back "because I wanted to progress in my career" they actually wanted someone happy to stay on the bottom rung of the ladder for life.

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