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Ebay - Are you sure you want to sell?

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Ebay is fine for buying but no way would i ever sell again. It cost me the thick end of 400 quid last time thanks to some scamming scummer.


Ditto. Plus there are plenty of free services around now - Preloved, Gumtree and regional "for sale" groups of Facebook or national specialist ones, like "Sinclair for Sale" for any old Sinclair computers and accessories.

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Ditto. Plus there are plenty of free services around now - Preloved, Gumtree and regional "for sale" groups of Facebook or national specialist ones, like "Sinclair for Sale" for any old Sinclair computers and accessories.


Thats actually a really good point. Simply typing what you want and your location into google can bring up lots of results. This is something i do more and more these days. I dont do Facebook so i havent seen the groups on there but that sounds like a good idea too.

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I cant stand paypal service, and ebay owns paypal (or t'other way round).

so i dont use ebay - that simple.


paypal always sides with the buyer, who can then get refund, leaving you in the do-do.


---------- Post added 27-08-2015 at 13:00 ----------


other payment options, skrill etc. and of course go cardless.


ARRRGGGGHHHHH hate paypal and ebay.

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I cant stand paypal service, and ebay owns paypal (or t'other way round).

so i dont use ebay - that simple.


paypal always sides with the buyer, who can then get refund, leaving you in the do-do.


When i lost my money Ebay sided with the buyer so fast i thought they must have been related. His story was a joke too and admitted the phone was working when he got it but still Ebay sided with him and gave him a refund. He sent me back a different phone that had a smashed screen and no battery.

Ebay didnt give a toss

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I no longer sell on ebay.

3yrs ago work dried up (self employed joiner) so I decided to sell some camera gear I had. It fetched around £1000 yet I came away with £750ish!!


Ebay listing fees

Paypal commission

Ebay commission


And then weeks after I got hit by Luxembourg fees!!


Never, ever again...ever!!

I now sell if I need to via Gumtree but that brings a certain crowd with it!


Whatever you price it at, they always, always offer less. Not because you were asking too much, it's just the type of people that gumtree attracts "Owt for Nowt" gang.


In future I'll offer it to friends family otherwise I'll give it to Bluebell wood.


But ebay..... When you read up on them, away from their glossy image they are ruthless. Buy by all means but NEVER sell!!


had a £300 bike on gumtree. Took me a month, eventually got close to my asking price.


had all sorts of offers and characters contacting ' will you take £100 for a QUICK SALE mate'.......err NO.


---------- Post added 27-08-2015 at 13:05 ----------


When i lost my money Ebay sided with the buyer so fast i thought they must have been related. His story was a joke too and admitted the phone was working when he got it but still Ebay sided with him and gave him a refund. He sent me back a different phone that had a smashed screen and no battery.

Ebay didnt give a toss


they always side with the buyer. I had the old 'fraud check' business toom where they ask for 20 pieces of I.D...blocked the account for 1 week so couldnt withdraw money.


customer service is non existant...


---------- Post added 27-08-2015 at 13:13 ----------


had it the other way round on gumtree as a buyer....When you say this is my FINAL offer and the seller tries to increase.


TJ: Hi, I offer £200 that is my final offer I can't go higher, will pick up

Seller: Ok mate, £220 and its yours if you pick up today


(face palm)

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I know often selling things on Ebay can be a bit of a faff - taking photo's, uploading them, filling in all the details for whatever you are selling, then trying to write a decent description and work out how to make it collection only or what the P&P costs will be etc, etc.

Not everyone is going to get it right, and of course interested buyers may well ask questions to find more out.


What really winds me up, and this has happened several times to me recently, is just how lacking some people are in communication skills! Surely it's in a sellers interest to answer questions quickly and fully.

I've asked questions several times now i.e how old, what colour, what size... not particularly difficult questions, yet either have to ask several times before getting a response - or I ask 2-3 questions in one email and get a reply answering only one of the questions. :rant:


Does this get your goat too? I just don't bother buying things from sellers with a lack of communication skills...


Oh yes, and it's not limited to ebay either - I get plenty of half arsed emails where you can't really quote properly because of lack of information. So you ask for information. Does it come? Often no, but sometimes you get the drip feed you also mentioned.

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I've bought on Gumtree before and looked on Preloved too, but like it's been said earlier - you get a lot of potential scammers and stupid offers on there. You really have to be on the ball if you use them.


At least on ebay you do have a fall back as a buyer, they tend to side with you. I just wish the sellers were sometimes a bit more on the ball with selling, mind you I had a problem a short while ago with a buyer too!


I put an item on Ebay and accidentally put a Buy It Now price instead of a starting price. A buyer snapped it up quick and instantly paid by Paypal, I apologised explaining the situation asking if they'd be really kind and let me refund them and re-list the item because of my mistake - but I did say I'd honour the sale if they weren't willing to do this. To my surprise they agreed so I was very happy!

Jump forwards 4 months and I was browsing items on Ebay and checked my account feedback, to my shock I had a negative feedback (I've never had one before and have had hundreds of positives over the years), it was from this buyer saying I'd 'fleeced' them and sold the item for the same price to someone else. I thought 'the bloody cheek' and emailed a bit of a pasting at them, after a couple of to's and fro's it turns out I sold the item for twice as much as they thought I had and they backed down apologising saying they'd retract the feedback.

However they can't do this now because Ebay locks the feedback after 30 days... and I'm definitely not wasting my time contacting them - my own fault at the end of the day anyway! :roll:

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