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Net migration at record high 330k

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The point of being able to choose where you go is that it is easy to find lots of migrants if you go to the places where people that are towards the bottom of the wealth scale live, work and shop. If you go to the places where those doing better live, work and shop then you will be scratching around. For every one migrant you find making a positive contribution by going to the better places to live, work or shop, I will probably find 10. You try to pretend it is an a nice even mix of migrants and that I overstate the level of non-contributors. If you want to pick Waitrose whilst I go to The Moor then I wish you all the best. :hihi:


Why ask if they have a degree? You can buy they cheap enough in most of the countries where immigrants come from. That is another problem. People coming from North Africa and the Middle East come from places where corruption is the norm, sexism is the norm, homophobia is the norm, religious extremism is a problem etc, etc. They bring with them cultural baggage, which is not tackled by demanding integration. People might overlook some of these negatives if they were sufficiently offset by a financial contribution that made us wealthier... but there is no offset. Most migrants offer us nothing and we need to weed them out and only welcome those that do.


You clearly never shop at Waitrose...


Other than that it is all the usual nonsense Zamo. You carry on believing the vast majority of immigrants are a drain, if that suits your worldview than be my guest. It is a rather pathetic worldview, but I can't be arsed to change it.

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You clearly never shop at Waitrose...


Other than that it is all the usual nonsense Zamo. You carry on believing the vast majority of immigrants are a drain, if that suits your worldview than be my guest. It is a rather pathetic worldview, but I can't be arsed to change it.


Sorted then... you go to Waitrose and I'll go to The Moor. Ready to put your money were your mouth is?

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You clearly never shop at Waitrose...


Other than that it is all the usual nonsense Zamo. You carry on believing the vast majority of immigrants are a drain, if that suits your worldview than be my guest. It is a rather pathetic worldview, but I can't be arsed to change it.


You can't change the truth and based on Zamo's very good posts I doubt their mind would be changed by your untruths, you clearly live in an ivory tower.

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