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Jeremy Corbyn coming to Sheffield

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Over 900 tickets sold within 12 hours overnight, overspill on Tudor square expected to be packed, rally expected to be electric, Jeremy Corbyn, the leading candidate for the leadership of the Labour Party will address the crowds, Saturday at 2pm.


I'm not even really a supporter, just recognise historic events when I am see them




What's he doing, performing a medley of hits or something! Who are these people requesting or (god forbid) buying tickets to listen to him. I thought the who points of these rallies was to meet with the people, get tactile with your proposed voters and be available to talk to.


I'd like to know how many of those "900" are being sent tickets or, I suspect, TOLD they will be attending.


I of course would love to be there, but im, errm, ermm, washing my hair.

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His ideas may be great if you are at the bottom with no money to lose but if you have his ideas are terrible.I would like to see all his valuations and schematics about how he would pay for everything without lumbering tax payers with massive increases before I would be able to welcome him with open arms.I have not voted Labour for years but I think the person who would most likely persuade me to vote for them again would be Liz Kendall but I suspect she will probably come last because of her business background.Either way I still think they will never win if Corbyn gets the job because everybody south of south Yorkshire will never vote for him and neither will the scots I suspect.I have already lost too much money in the last eight years without losing some more.

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His ideas may be great if you are at the bottom with no money to lose but if you have his ideas are terrible.I would like to see all his valuations and schematics about how he would pay for everything without lumbering tax payers with massive increases before I would be able to welcome him with open arms.I have not voted Labour for years but I think the person who would most likely persuade me to vote for them again would be Liz Kendall but I suspect she will probably come last because of her business background.Either way I still think they will never win if Corbyn gets the job because everybody south of south Yorkshire will never vote for him and neither will the scots I suspect.I have already lost too much money in the last eight years without losing some more.


Could not agree more.

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His ideas may be great if you are at the bottom with no money to lose but if you have his ideas are terrible.I would like to see all his valuations and schematics about how he would pay for everything without lumbering tax payers with massive increases before I would be able to welcome him with open arms.I have not voted Labour for years but I think the person who would most likely persuade me to vote for them again would be Liz Kendall but I suspect she will probably come last because of her business background.Either way I still think they will never win if Corbyn gets the job because everybody south of south Yorkshire will never vote for him and neither will the scots I suspect.I have already lost too much money in the last eight years without losing some more.


I agree with this.


If Labour are to win again, they need a leader that can attract the support of people that live in the south of England. Scotland is gone for decades now so the south of England is the future for Labour. Sad but true.

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They weren't sold, you just had to RSVP them, no one is forced to go, how bizarre.




well over a 1000 in Plymouth tonight, usually Lib Dem Country.


ah a bit like paying your 3 quid to vote. someone gets to decide for you.


---------- Post added 28-08-2015 at 21:23 ----------


His ideas may be great if you are at the bottom with no money to lose but if you have his ideas are terrible.I would like to see all his valuations and schematics about how he would pay for everything without lumbering tax payers with massive increases before I would be able to welcome him with open arms.I have not voted Labour for years but I think the person who would most likely persuade me to vote for them again would be Liz Kendall but I suspect she will probably come last because of her business background.Either way I still think they will never win if Corbyn gets the job because everybody south of south Yorkshire will never vote for him and neither will the scots I suspect.I have already lost too much money in the last eight years without losing some more.


it would however be hilarious to arrive at 2020 with corbyn in charge of labour when these questions get asked on the eve of the next election. remember red ed in leeds.

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