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Jeremy Corbyn coming to Sheffield

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His ideas may be great if you are at the bottom with no money to lose but if you have his ideas are terrible.I would like to see all his valuations and schematics about how he would pay for everything without lumbering tax payers with massive increases before I would be able to welcome him with open arms.I have not voted Labour for years but I think the person who would most likely persuade me to vote for them again would be Liz Kendall but I suspect she will probably come last because of her business background.Either way I still think they will never win if Corbyn gets the job because everybody south of south Yorkshire will never vote for him and neither will the scots I suspect.I have already lost too much money in the last eight years without losing some more.


Nimbyism I believe they call this thinking.


---------- Post added 29-08-2015 at 08:43 ----------


His ideas are great and will do a lot of good.

But really I have too much to lose...NIMBY (not in my bacl yard).

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Looking forward to it. According to Radio Sheff. this morning he's on 50 % of the projected vote. I suspect ,unfortunately, that he'll lose out on the second round of voting to either Andy B or Yvette. It would be interesting if Labour went into the next election With Corbyn as leader. It's by no means certain that the Scots would stick with the SNP as the Scots effectively voted against the Westminster establishment. The Greens would enter coalition with Labour, which wouldn't be so great as they are only likely to win one seat but if Caroline Lucas and Natalie "whatshername" encourage a Labour vote it could be interesting. The LD's lost 1/3rd of their vote to Labour at the election and hopefully will stick with Labour.


Would be more interesting at PMQ's as Call me Dave wouldn't know how to cope with Corbyn, he's too used to and comfortable with a narrow narrative that Milliband and Blair provided him with.

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The Corbynator arrives in Sheffield, Sat 2pm


ah yes corbynator. a take on terminator. a relic from a bygone age time travelling in order to destroy the labour party. :thumbsup:


---------- Post added 29-08-2015 at 09:55 ----------


The LD's lost 1/3rd of their vote to Labour at the election and hopefully will stick with Labour.




and still labour struggled to get 30% of the vote.


by the way. i don't want to thow cold water on your idea but... you do know that the tories took 27 seats off the lib dems don't you? labour only managed 9. that's less than the snp took from them.


the fact is that labour spent 5 years attacking the lib dems and all it achieved was taking seats from them to hand to the tories. good plan.

Edited by drummonds
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Nimbyism I believe they call this thinking.


---------- Post added 29-08-2015 at 08:43 ----------


His ideas are great and will do a lot of good.

But really I have too much to lose...NIMBY (not in my bacl yard).


If you say so.I am not worried to be honest because he will never get to run the country.

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I wonder why the rest of the communist world with idea's like his, changed to capitalism. My answer would be they dont work. Not in this day and age.

In the sixties when the unions had power and such idea's such as corbyn's where practiced, the country had more work than it could produce inline with all other weston countries, not to mention the communism within the Sheffield council in those days, the red flag flying above the town hall "remember'

corbyn's idea's have no place in this worlds environment.


Labour through and through


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The man is a relic, nothing more than a ridiculous activist that will destroy the Labour party, I hope my 3 Tory pounds help make it happen.


---------- Post added 29-08-2015 at 12:19 ----------


You do know here in Sheffield you are the minority, if not on SF,


I bet that scared him :rolleyes:

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I wonder why the rest of the communist world with idea's like his, changed to capitalism. My answer would be they dont work. Not in this day and age.

In the sixties when the unions had power and such idea's such as corbyn's where practiced, the country had more work than it could produce inline with all other weston countries, not to mention the communism within the Sheffield council in those days, the red flag flying above the town hall "remember'

corbyn's idea's have no place in this worlds environment.


Labour through and through



in the days where few bought foreign goods. it didn't matter that morris marinas were junk and had to be subsidised by more than their selling price. men made over priced steel and dug for overpriced coal. now we import most of what we need and our industries need to compete with europe, china india and africa.


the communist idl only works if you can block your borders and prevent imports.


---------- Post added 29-08-2015 at 12:28 ----------


The man is a relic, nothing more than a ridiculous activist that will destroy the Labour party, I hope my 3 Tory pounds help make it happen.


---------- Post added 29-08-2015 at 12:19 ----------



I bet that scared him :rolleyes:


didn't sheffielders turn out in thousands to welcome niel kinnock on the verge of his great triumph?

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