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Jeremy Corbyn coming to Sheffield

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I wonder why the rest of the communist world with idea's like his, changed to capitalism. My answer would be they dont work. Not in this day and age.

In the sixties when the unions had power and such idea's such as corbyn's where practiced, the country had more work than it could produce inline with all other weston countries, not to mention the communism within the Sheffield council in those days, the red flag flying above the town hall "remember'

corbyn's idea's have no place in this worlds environment.


Labour through and through



Western capitalism hasn't worked.


---------- Post added 29-08-2015 at 11:36 ----------


For the majority....


---------- Post added 29-08-2015 at 11:39 ----------


If you say so.I am not worried to be honest because he will never get to run the country.


Third favourite 7 to 1 to be next prime minister


---------- Post added 29-08-2015 at 11:41 ----------


Looking forward to it. According to Radio Sheff. this morning he's on 50 % of the projected vote. I suspect ,unfortunately, that he'll lose out on the second round of voting to either Andy B or Yvette. It would be interesting if Labour went into the next election With Corbyn as leader. It's by no means certain that the Scots would stick with the SNP as the Scots effectively voted against the Westminster establishment. The Greens would enter coalition with Labour, which wouldn't be so great as they are only likely to win one seat but if Caroline Lucas and Natalie "whatshername" encourage a Labour vote it could be interesting. The LD's lost 1/3rd of their vote to Labour at the election and hopefully will stick with Labour.


Would be more interesting at PMQ's as Call me Dave wouldn't know how to cope with Corbyn, he's too used to and comfortable with a narrow narrative that Milliband and Blair provided him with.


I thought he would lose on second vote.....but he's 7 to one on, so the bookies obviously think it's a shoe in that corbyn will be the next leader

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Western capitalism hasn't worked.


---------- Post added 29-08-2015 at 11:36 ----------


For the majority....



Just for the record, what is a better way to run a country?

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Western capitalism hasn't worked.


---------- Post added 29-08-2015 at 11:36 ----------


For the majority....




Just for the record, what is a better way to run a country?


A system that's not boom and bust, and considers the majority


---------- Post added 29-08-2015 at 11:49 ----------


And I'm not saying corbyn is the answer.....


---------- Post added 29-08-2015 at 11:49 ----------


That's just one guy

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I wonder why the rest of the communist world with idea's like his, changed to capitalism. My answer would be they dont work. Not in this day and age.

In the sixties when the unions had power and such idea's such as corbyn's where practiced, the country had more work than it could produce inline with all other weston countries, not to mention the communism within the Sheffield council in those days, the red flag flying above the town hall "remember'

corbyn's idea's have no place in this worlds environment.


Labour through and through



Not sure what you're on about ? Oh and it's Western not "Weston" by the way

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A system that's not boom and bust, and considers the majority




You have my interest, Whats the system called, and which country has it.


---------- Post added 29-08-2015 at 13:01 ----------


Not sure what you're on about ? Oh and it's Western not "Weston" by the way


Thats a pathetic excuse to post.

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A system that's not boom and bust, and considers the majority




You have my interest, Whats the system called, and which country has it.


The power to change the system lives within the people. It doesn't have a name.

If people want change they have to be the change.....and I'm not just talking voting in and out successive governments who don't have our interests at heart.


Government's can only act with subservience.


What corbyn is doing is activating young people especially, it's got to be a positive thing...

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The power to change the system lives within the people. It doesn't have a name.

If people want change they have to be the change.....and I'm not just talking voting in and out successive governments who don't have our interests at heart.


Government's can only act with subservience.


What corbyn is doing is activating young people especially, it's got to be a positive thing...




activating young people IS a good thing but as said,corbyn's policies are out of date


My Bold


Above my bold i have my doubts it could work?


my bold - its all been done may times before,maybe you are to young to remember. It is (That style of government) now outdated

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activating young people IS a good thing but as said,corbyn's policies or out of date


My Bold


Above my bold i have my doubts it could work?


my bold - its all been done may times before,maybe you are to young to remember. It is (That style of government) now outdated


The difference is corbyn is pro business and I was fairly impressed. From city am...


Labour leader hopeful Jeremy Corbyn has unveiled plans to freeze rates for small businesses, clamp down on corporate tax avoidance and invest in skilled workers amid a raft of policies designed to show his commitment to business as the leadership race hots up.

“The current government seems to think being 'pro-business' means giving a green light to corporate tax avoiders and private monopolies," said Corbyn as he launched his "Better Business" plan, which has promised to "level the playing field" between small and big business.


"I will stand up for small businesses, independent entrepreneurs, and the growing number of enterprises that want to cooperate and innovate for the public good.

Corbyn has promised to set up a National Investment Bank to inject cash into areas such as green energy, transport and digital infrastructure.


“Britain's businesses complain that Britain suffers from a lack of investment in our energy, transport and digital infrastructure. Yet the government continues to cut public investment. I want a National Investment Bank to fund the infrastructure we need," he said.


"I will also address two key issues holding back British business: lack of skills and of investment. The CBI says the UK has ‘a skills emergency now, threatening to starve economic growth’. Yet George Osborne is cutting the adult skills budget. I will introduce a National Education Service to equip us with the skills we need," he added.


---------- Post added 29-08-2015 at 12:25 ----------


So he's standing up for entrepreneurs, investing in skills and growing the economy....sounds good to me,


---------- Post added 29-08-2015 at 12:27 ----------


He's the only one mentioned the broadband and digital infrastructure issue. ...pretty impressive from an old 60s socialist.

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activating young people IS a good thing but as said,corbyn's policies are out of date


will he still be alive to see out a parliamentary term? i suppose the important thing is for him to still be around to lead labour into a 3rd successive defeat.

as this focus group demonstrates he is favourite to be the next labour leader but the least likely to get folks to switch back to voting labour. so everyone wins.




In-depth discussion groups were held with voters aged 30-50 in the swing constituencies of Nuneaton and Croydon on 20 August and 26 August.


All had previously voted Labour, but gone with a different party in 2015.


Although small, market researchers use focus groups to better understand people's underlying views on an issue.


Recent polls of Labour supporters have suggested that Mr Corbyn is the clear frontrunner in the race for the Labour leadership.


But in the Newsnight/Ipsos Mori focus groups, which were of former Labour voters that won't be voting in the leadership election, Jeremy Corbyn was the least preferred contender.


He was described by one as "bitter and jealous of the rich people" and by another as "unelectable as prime minister".


Yvette Cooper came out on top, and was described as "positive" and "addressing the needs of the working class people".


The focus group participants described Andy Burnham as "quite credible". On Liz Kendall, they said she needs more "passion" and "personality".

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