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Jeremy Corbyn coming to Sheffield

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Sheffield returns 6 MPs out of 650 nationally. And only 5 of those are Labour.


If Mr. Corbyn was just running for the local council, he'd be a dead cert.





Most people in Britain own their own house, run a car, have a large screen TV, own smartphone(s), PCs, tablets, enjoy foreign holidays and eat regular meals.


Average lifespan has increased from 50 (women) and 47 (men) in 1900 to 82.8 years (women) and 78.8 years (men).


The population of China is now only aspiring to such a lifestyle because of a switch to Capitalism.


In the old Soviet Union you'd be living in a badly heated concrete slab (think old style Hyde Park), queuing for bread in half-empty supermarkets, possibly owning a Trabant and dreaming of the day when you can afford a pair of black market Levis.


As for life expectancy:


Low Life Expectancy Continues To Plague Former Soviet Countries


Western capitalism is far from perfect but it's given the population of the UK a lifestyle far better than most of the Eastern or Southern hemispheres. We've seen the alternative and it didn't work.


china stock market is crashing and the housing bubble burst, be careful what you wish for.

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I saw Jeremy Corbyn in Tudor Square yesterday. He was very impressive and such a clear speaker - what a change from all those New Labour and Tory dishonest soundbites. I am a lifelong Labour supporter and have voted for him in the leadership contest. In answer to those who say only the poor will vote for Corbyn - I have run a successful business in Sheffield for more than 20 years and live in the affluent suburbs. I support Corbyn because he is the only politician who will stand up for the younger generation. They too deserve an education, housing, hope, the possibility of having families of their own. What use is a Labour Party that can only copy Tory policy? Corbyn will be able to stand up to Cameron's Bullingdon bluster precisely because he is patently an honest man. New Labour accuse Corbyn of wanting to take us back to the 1970s. I much prefer that to the Bullingdon boys taking us back to the 1930s or as Jeremy said yesterday, even the 1830s.

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In answer to those who say only the poor will vote for Corbyn - I have run a successful business in Sheffield for more than 20 years and live in the affluent suburbs.


Same. Run own businesses and live in a typical middle class suburb.


Never had a reason to vote Labour before...Corbyn has my ears pricked. Not only are his ideas practical common sense (41 economists backed them), he is in tune with the clear social need to reform.


Imho the people who call him names, a commie etc are either not looking closely at his policies OR they have too much to lose e.g Tony Blair, Big Business leaders.


---------- Post added 30-08-2015 at 11:16 ----------


I support Corbyn because he is the only politician who will stand up for the younger generation. They too deserve an education, housing, hope, the possibility of having families of their own.


I couldnt have put it better. kids are coming out of uni with huge debt with no safety net, cant afford homes and then they are expected to have children to keep all these old folks going.

Corbyn is a voice for the younger generations from 18 to my age. Ironically.

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I saw Jeremy Corbyn in Tudor Square yesterday. He was very impressive and such a clear speaker - what a change from all those New Labour and Tory dishonest soundbites. I am a lifelong Labour supporter and have voted for him in the leadership contest. In answer to those who say only the poor will vote for Corbyn - I have run a successful business in Sheffield for more than 20 years and live in the affluent suburbs. I support Corbyn because he is the only politician who will stand up for the younger generation. They too deserve an education, housing, hope, the possibility of having families of their own. What use is a Labour Party that can only copy Tory policy? Corbyn will be able to stand up to Cameron's Bullingdon bluster precisely because he is patently an honest man. New Labour accuse Corbyn of wanting to take us back to the 1970s. I much prefer that to the Bullingdon boys taking us back to the 1930s or as Jeremy said yesterday, even the 1830s.

That was a weird thing for him to say.


The Tories were busy abolishing slavery in the 1830's, just after they had stopped France's European expanson plans.


In the 1930's Labour was presiding over the Great Depression which forced them to resign and be replaced by the National Government which ended up having to stop Germany's expansion plans.


I hear that Jeremy wants to promote democracy by letting Argentina govern over the Falkland Islands against the wishes of the Falklanders.

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That was a weird thing for him to say.


The Tories were busy abolishing slavery in the 1830's, just after they had stopped France's European expanson plans.


In the 1930's Labour was presiding over the Great Depression which forced them to resign and be replaced by the National Government which ended up having to stop Germany's expansion plans.


I hear that Jeremy wants to promote democracy by letting Argentina govern over the Falkland Islands against the wishes of the Falklanders.


the great depression wasnt a uk Labour caused problem..every government on both sides has external issues.

the late 80s early 90s recession when interest rates hit the roof under tories for example...

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That was a weird thing for him to say.


The Tories were busy abolishing slavery in the 1830's, just after they had stopped France's European expanson plans.


In the 1930's Labour was presiding over the Great Depression which forced them to resign and be replaced by the National Government which ended up having to stop Germany's expansion plans.


I hear that Jeremy wants to promote democracy by letting Argentina govern over the Falkland Islands against the wishes of the Falklanders.


My Bold


Thats Corbyn's democracy Then?

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My Bold


Thats Corbyn's democracy Then?




---------- Post added 30-08-2015 at 11:54 ----------


Corbyn at a stormy council meeting, quoted in Hornsey Journal, May 1982:


'We resent this waste of unemployed men who are being sent to the Falklands to die for Thatcher and Galtieri. The Foreign Office has been doing deals with the junta for years. A tide of jingoism is sweeping the country. Already £1.5 billion has been spent on this invasion. It is a nauseating waste of money and lives.


'We are spending all this at a time when we can’t find money for houses, hospitals or wages, not for world hunger, not for aid to north-east Africa. Yet they can commandeer ships like there’s no tomorrow, and send people to die in the south Atlantic.


'The whole thing is a Tory plot to keep their money-making friends in business.'

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...yet we didnt learn our lesson and invaded iraq, afganistan and are building pointless nuclear subs. More waste of lives and money


---------- Post added 30-08-2015 at 12:00 ----------



whats your point you are trying to make?


Thats the news story.

All that for a tiny insignificant island in the south atlantic...which is off the coast of Argentina btw.

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