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Should thhere be a military coup in the UK?

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There aren't enough military personnel to run the country so it' not possible on their own.


They would have to get a lot of people on side to co-operate and assist them in running the institutions of state.

In the 70s people were recruited from Police, trade unions and elsewhere to support the military. Mountbatten would have headed an interim government and the marxists and trots who were working to undermine the democracy would have been interned. Hillsborough was identified as an internment camp.

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In the 70s people were recruited from Police, trade unions and elsewhere to support the military. Mountbatten would have headed an interim government and the marxists and trots who were working to undermine the democracy would have been interned. Hillsborough was identified as an internment camp.


Are you on drugs?

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In the 70s people were recruited from Police, trade unions and elsewhere to support the military. Mountbatten would have headed an interim government and the marxists and trots who were working to undermine the democracy would have been interned. Hillsborough was identified as an internment camp.


That aint right. Where would the owls have played ? Use Bramall Lane instead

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the theory of an alleged coup to remove Wilson (supposedly a KGB agent) has been well documented and Mountbatten is often implicated in these conspiracy theories.




There's nothing in that other than beliefs, suspicions and claims. No doubt a Labour government in the 70s would have been massively unpopular among the right-wing of the establishment but that doesn't mean that there was ever a realistic threat of a coup. Some fruitcakes might have discussed it but any practical attempt to unseat a government would have resulted in a massive public backlash.


And where Hillsborough fits into this AL hasn't explained.

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There's nothing in that other than beliefs, suspicions and claims. No doubt a Labour government in the 70s would have been massively unpopular among the right-wing of the establishment but that doesn't mean that there was ever a realistic threat of a coup. Some fruitcakes might have discussed it but any practical attempt to unseat a government would have resulted in a massive public backlash.


And where Hillsborough fits into this AL hasn't explained.


Courtouir and Penrose, two journalists working for Sunday Times Insight team exposed the plot. They went on to make a documentary in about 2005 further showing that the coup was viable and all elements were in place to make it successful.


In 1974, without warning, the army occupied Heathrow, ostensibly as an exercise against an IRA plot. No one in government was informed of this and it was an example by the army as to how they could take over critical national infrastructure.


Lady Falkender, stated later that this was a practice run for the coup.


Roy Hattersley, whilst making no claim of direct knowledge of a coup, has stated that Wilson was convinced that one was imminent and that he resigned before it happened.


The coup would have led to the arrest and confinement of several thousand people, as had happened in Peru during the coup against Allende, soccer stadia would have been used to house them. Hillsborough was one of these.


The coup was well planned, and had it not been for Wilsons unexpected resignation it may well have gone ahead.


Wilson was always suspected of being a traitor by the Intelligence services and politicians from all parties including his own.


Regarding a coup in the 21st century, if Corbyn gets into power, which I very much doubt, there is a possibility.

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Purely to secure the borders as clearly successive governments including this one have shown themselves to be utterly useless.


All other functions of government would be left to the sitting government as it is.


A great portion of these "migrants/asylum seekers" flooding into western Europe are bound to be ISIS fighters. Do we just sit and wait for Mumbai style attacks on Meadowhall/Crystal Peaks etc, or do we do something meaningful about it?


I agree....an isis attack on crystal peaks is surely round the corner...it could be like dad's army all over again.

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