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Should thhere be a military coup in the UK?

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Courtouir and Penrose, two journalists working for Sunday Times Insight team exposed the plot.


Regarding a coup in the 21st century, if Corbyn gets into power, which I very much doubt, there is a possibility.


It all smacks of two people trying to emulate Woodward and Bernstein but not finding the evidence.


The evidence is nothing more than Wilson's paranoia, the 1974 Heathrow incident and the machinations of some right-wing fruit cakes in MI5. Peter Wright sought to back a lot of it up but then again he wasn't the sanest of people.


Wilson didn't resign until 1976.


You still haven't provided any evidence about Hillsborough.


The fact that you think the same could happen if Corbyn becomes PM shows that you live in the same fantasy world as Wright.

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The coup would have led to the arrest and confinement of several thousand people, as had happened in Peru during the coup against Allende, soccer stadia would have been used to house them. Hillsborough was one of these.



The coup against Allende was in Chile - an easy fact to check :cool:

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The coup against Allende was in Chile - an easy fact to check :cool:


I beg your pardon, you are quite right. An advisor to the Chilean plotters was David Sterling, one of the men behind the UK plot. James Goldsmith and a man called Aspinall funded the administration.


All this was outlined in the Mayfair Set a documentary aired some years ago on UK TV.


Regarding the use of Hillsborough as an internment camp, I have no doubt whatsoever that this was the case, regrettably I have no means of proving this as I have no access to documentation. However, I believe the following gives sufficient substance to the idea that for the plotters not to have made provision would be unlikely to say the least.


1. Wilson was suspected of being a traitor by the security services.

2. David Sterling James Goldsmith and others had set up an organisation that had infiltrated the trade unions and left wing organisations and had identified those who would be arrested.

3. The army under Field Marshal Carver was sympathetic to a government overthrow and had issued tacit threats such as Heathrow 1974.

4. James Callaghan was considered a patriot and was acceptable to the coup leaders pending a massive move to install Thatcher in power.

5. On balance the evidence indicates Wilson was told to go, possibly by Mountbatten possibly by Carver and was granted a period of grace to effect a smooth transition.


Others may be dismissive and claim paranoia, I was on the periphery of this, and know what I know. Could there be of coup? Of course there could, is it likely? not in the forseeable future, BUT, there is an undercurrent of unease in the UK, immigration, weak politicians, poor leadership, ineffective policing and a diminished armed services leads to people to seek radical change. Corbyn is leader of the Labour party, unthinkable six months ago, Scotland is in political ferment. All that is needed is a spark and the unthinkable may be be closer than we think.

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Regarding the use of Hillsborough as an internment camp, I have no doubt whatsoever that this was the case, regrettably I have no means of proving this as I have no access to documentation.


Oh well. Who needs documentation when you can live in a fantasy world alongside the Monday Club, League of Empire Loyalists, the Mitford Sisters and Enoch Powell.

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Oh well. Who needs documentation when you can live in a fantasy world alongside the Monday Club, League of Empire Loyalists, the Mitford Sisters and Enoch Powell.


Repeating your insults interminably lends them no more credibility. Evidence from leading investigative reporters, Books written by active security service employees, the statements of former Labour ministers all indicate the coup was plotted and viable.


In 2024 the government papers concerning this will be published. I confidently expect my opinion to be vindicated.


Bleat on.

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Repeating your insults interminably lends them no more credibility. Evidence from leading investigative reporters, Books written by active security service employees, the statements of former Labour ministers all indicate the coup was plotted and viable.


In 2024 the government papers concerning this will be published. I confidently expect my opinion to be vindicated.


Bleat on.


So your corroborators are going to be a former PM whose paranoia was a gift from Stalin, some state security officers who wanted to be adopted as the love children of Ian Smith and Ayn Rand, and the newspaper that printed the Hitler Diaries.


Roll on 2024 unless a coup has led to all government documents being buried in Hillsborough.

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I read this article in todays Independent: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/british-army-could-stage-mutiny-under-corbyn-says-senior-serving-general-10509742.html and thought it was interesting.


It reports that the British Army could stage a mutiny under a Corbyn Government if it pulled out of NATO, or did anything that might threaten it :o

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