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Should thhere be a military coup in the UK?

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I read this article in todays Independent: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/british-army-could-stage-mutiny-under-corbyn-says-senior-serving-general-10509742.html and thought it was interesting.


It reports that the British Army could stage a mutiny under a Corbyn Government if it pulled out of NATO, or did anything that might threaten it :o


I'd have no qualms whatsoever if a military coup happened in the UK. It wouldn't be like the coup's of other countries. I trust the British army completely.

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I trust the British army completely.


really why?


for corbyn to get the opportunity to be pm, he would need to be leader of the largest party in parliament which means lots of people would have have voted for him.


what do you think the army will do when people start protesting in the streets against their actions?

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really why?


for corbyn to get the opportunity to be pm, he would need to be leader of the largest party in parliament which means lots of people would have have voted for him.


what do you think the army will do when people start protesting in the streets against their actions?


Voting for a party doesn't mean you have to agree with all their proposals.... just saying....sometimes people vote for what they perceive to be the least worst option..

Edited by truman
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really why?


for corbyn to get the opportunity to be pm, he would need to be leader of the largest party in parliament which means lots of people would have have voted for him.


what do you think the army will do when people start protesting in the streets against their actions?


It depends if he was voted into power on a manifesto that made no mention of leaving NATO and then does when he gains power.

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really why?


for corbyn to get the opportunity to be pm, he would need to be leader of the largest party in parliament which means lots of people would have have voted for him.


what do you think the army will do when people start protesting in the streets against their actions?


The cuts in manpower would make it difficult for the army to stage a successful coup. Their is a small but growing core of resentment within the Police and emergency services that could, if Corbyn and his motley crew grew in influence, could unite with the armed services and commence action.


The main momentum for a coup would initiate from the House of Lords, former military chiefs with excellent international contacts both military and political as well as in the UK could both finance and plan an overthrow of what would quickly be a resented and despised Corbyn government. There are thousands of loyal citizens who would stand against the lunatics who would in this scenario be running the asylum.


Revolution would come to the UK. a cleansing and beneficial revolution.

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The cuts in manpower would make it difficult for the army to stage a successful coup. Their is a small but growing core of resentment within the Police and emergency services that could, if Corbyn and his motley crew grew in influence, could unite with the armed services and commence action.


The Police are resentful because of the Tory cuts. That's hardly going to encourage them to help get rid of Corbyn if it means the Tories returning.


The main momentum for a coup would initiate from the House of Lords, former military chiefs with excellent international contacts both military and political as well as in the UK could both finance and plan an overthrow of what would quickly be a resented and despised Corbyn government. There are thousands of loyal citizens who would stand against the lunatics who would in this scenario be running the asylum.


Revolution would come to the UK. a cleansing and beneficial revolution.

You're suggesting former military chiefs use their international contacts to get foreigners to finance a coup in the UK. Very patriotic of you I must say.


You don't seem very keen on democracy either.

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I think the coup question is overkill. Due ISIS, refugees are flooding into western European countries at excessive rates, and proper examination is lacking. But to counter this with a coup in the UK ?


The UK should not be stampeded into taking refugees just because the EU commissioner says to. They have to be checked (overseas, not at the first UK port), and then a finite number approved, if the security check is passed. And if in doubt, don't !


I believe that what needs to happen quickly is that processing camps should be set up quickly (and paid for by the Saudis, Kuwaitis et al who are taking NO refugees). This could be in southern Syria or Iraq, well away from ISIS, and secured accordingly. If this takes more time than snap decisions to say yes immediately, so be it.


Pressure has to go to the PM from UK citizens and his Cabinet (no coup) to go in this direction, as the EU are equally applying pressure in the opposite direction !


The next very significant decision that the UK has to take, is not whether to mount a military coup, but whether to stay in or leave the EU

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