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What age is middle aged? investigation.

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I think it should stay, nothing worse than a middle aged man or woman dressing like a teenager and trying to "be down with the kids".

Looks ridiculous to the young and the old.


That's more about trying to imitate something than "not behaving like they should".

But frankly why should they care? If they like how they're dressing and how they're behaving then they should ignore the prejudiced judgements from others about how they should be behaving IMO.


---------- Post added 28-08-2015 at 08:12 ----------


I just think there is something important in dressing and behaving in ways which is age appropriate. I know that I'm probably on my own in this but I don't like seeing the middle aged behave irresponsibly - especially on West Street of a Friday & Saturday night!


You use the word irresponsibly, but what you really mean is "in a way that you don't behave".

It's sounds like just an attempt to shame people into behaving in the way you say they should.


By some definitions I'm probably close to middle aged (37), but I have no intention of giving up going out on a Friday night to town just because you think I should be at home smoking a pipe and preparing to die or something.


I don't dress the same as the 20 year olds, but jeans a t-shirt don't differ that much, mine fit properly and don't show my backside (but actually I think that trend has ended, girls seem to be wearing waists up to their armpits at the moment with jeans).


---------- Post added 28-08-2015 at 08:13 ----------


I'm 30, married, settled, taking responsibility and having owned property since my early 20s. Furthermore, most of our friends are in a similar position. How does that stack up against your little rant? :huh:


And as I already said I'm in my later thirties and it's the same for me and most of my friends (not ALL married), but no one I know in their 30's still lives with their parents.


---------- Post added 28-08-2015 at 08:16 ----------


Quite. I think you're old when you point to someone and generalize. It's a fair indication your life is dull.


Perhaps it's also a sign that your life is dull when you want to stop other people having fun because you think you're too old to do that now.

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I anticipate getting to 70, I am 37 in a few weeks, so that makes me middle-aged. If I were to stop living like a sinner I might hit middle-aged in 3 years or even in 8. It doesn't matter though, I am happy with who I am regardless!

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I think you're old when your age is old. Nothing to do with generalising. Middle age is 40.


I disagree, it's just a label that goes with a certain set of behaviour, so it will vary for everyone.


---------- Post added 28-08-2015 at 08:28 ----------




So what? Just because you're married and have a mortgage doesn't mean or signify anything.


It means that Anna and her generalising was wrong doesn't it. She pretty much said that everyone in their 30's is still acting like a child and living with their parents.


---------- Post added 28-08-2015 at 08:29 ----------


Well it's not that important, I don't think Anna was stereotyping as you claim; simply remarking about some general trends occurring in wider society (e.g people not being able to move out of their parents and afford a property of your own). And then you said that you and your friends were able to get married & afford your own properties in your 20s.


What do you think a stereotype is if not a generalisation? And she's wrong anyway.

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I disagree, it's just a label that goes with a certain set of behaviour, so it will vary for everyone.


Agree to disagree. To me, middle implies middle. Average lifespan is 80. 40 is middle. By your definition, a 21 year old who didn't go clubbing but preferred to do jigsaws and wear beige would be middle aged, and a 70 year old who wore slitted skinny jeans and went to student nights would be young.

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I anticipate getting to 70, I am 37 in a few weeks, so that makes me middle-aged. If I were to stop living like a sinner I might hit middle-aged in 3 years or even in 8. It doesn't matter though, I am happy with who I am regardless!


Do you worry about decay?

Im marginally younger than you and started having dreams of teeth falling out etc. Very odd.


---------- Post added 28-08-2015 at 08:41 ----------


Time for some Crookedspire wisdom, find a age you like and stick with it. If people say you look older just tell them you'll had a hard life.


or use plenty of moisturizer.

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Agree to disagree. To me, middle implies middle. Average lifespan is 80. 40 is middle. By your definition, a 21 year old who didn't go clubbing but preferred to do jigsaws and wear beige would be middle aged, and a 70 year old who wore slitted skinny jeans and went to student nights would be young.


I think you're being too literal.

For a start "middle age" is not a single point in time is it. It's a period, covering 10 or 20 years!


There's a definition on google of course;


Middle age is the period of age beyond young adulthood but before the onset of old age. Various attempts have been made to define this age, which is around the third quarter of the average life span of human beings.


3rd quarter of the average lifespan according to that, so that would be 40 - 60 by this definition.

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Do you worry about decay?

Im marginally younger than you and started having dreams of teeth falling out etc. Very odd.


Re. decay - no, I am passed that stage, I used to be a gym-rat with a rather nice sculpted body but stopped from one day to the other whilst maintaining a similar appetite ;)


I never really worried about body image though and it still doesn't really although I am needing to lose weight now.


Without wanting to disconcert you, the teeth falling out dreams are an indicator of anxiety, I have the exact same in periods of stress (new job, recently my PhD viva, things like that).

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I think you're being too literal.

For a start "middle age" is not a single point in time is it. It's a period, covering 10 or 20 years!


There's a definition on google of course;




3rd quarter of the average lifespan according to that, so that would be 40 - 60 by this definition.



Yes, obviously it's not a single year. I'd agree with 40 to 60.

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Re. decay - no, I am passed that stage, I used to be a gym-rat with a rather nice sculpted body but stopped from one day to the other whilst maintaining a similar appetite ;)


I never really worried about body image though and it still doesn't really although I am needing to lose weight now.


Without wanting to disconcert you, the teeth falling out dreams are an indicator of anxiety, I have the exact same in periods of stress (new job, recently my PhD viva, things like that).


I stopped having those dreams. I was going through a transitional period but starting to be more settled now.


Congrats on the PhD achievement. I understand what remarkable fortitude and perserverance it takes :cool:

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