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45 new bums in The House of Lords

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This now makes a total of 826 Lords eligible to go there for an afternoon kip, or just clock in and out, and claim their expenses.


At a time of public sector cutbacks shouldn't the second house be trimmed rather than being full to busting?


One notable new peer is Douglas Hogg who famously claimed £2,200 for cleaning his moat.


Vince Cable and Danny Alexander turned down a peerages, but accepted knighthoods instead.


The Libdems had more Lords created than their entire cohort of MPs.


Failed chancellor Alistair Darling has also been "elevated"


It is the largest legislative chamber in the world outside China. Time to reform and trim.

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Ah more 'vermin in ermine'....


I've nothing against them as people, or their politics, but I do think there is something very smelly about the fact that Vince Cable and Danny Alexander, who turned down peerages, have been knighted. It's like 'oh, they don't want to go into the Lords, let's give them something else instead'.

The figures for the allowances & expenses of the House of Lords IN ONE YEAR is £20.7 million! For allowances & expenses only! I've not got a calculator on me but divide that number by the numbers of the HoL. The figures must be astonishing....


All this at a time when the Department of Work and Pensions is preparing a report for Parliament on how many disabled people in the country died suddenly after being told by ATOS that they were capable of seeking work. EDIT: Just read on here 2,380 people died suddenly after being told by ATOS / DWP that they were capable of seeking work

Truly shocking & completely unacceptable :nono:

Edited by Mister M
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Please try to be more specific in your heading.

We all know you meant arseholes not Bums - makes all the difference you know!


I've heard it said, there's more chins in the House Of Lords than there is in a Chinese phone directory!!

Edited by mrcharlie
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Cameron is playing games by making sure that there are more Tories in Lords to make sure that his hated policies will be passed. We are now having to ask the very people who make the rules to change them and that is something they will never do. When will our local MPs get off their cosy little backsides and make their voices heard against this old boy's club?

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Only country to have a bigger second house than Britain is China. And they have a population of a billion. Why does a little island like Britain need so many?


Just jobs for the boys. (And a few favoured girls - but not Anne Widecombe apparently, someone who could really rattle a few cages...)

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826 x £300 per day just for turning up.


An absolute bargin, where else could you spend just short of a quarter of a million pounds a day for such skills as the Lords contribute.


Meanwhile in the real world, it's simply jobs for the boys/girls, an utter disgrace.


Do a days work while on the plonk and "they" can't prosecute you quickly enough, but 826 Parasites share £250,000 a day and we all smile while it happens.



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