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Death Of The American Dream

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Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to the land of dreams the United States of America the land of glitzy malls, oversized cars,constitution rights that included the right to own a firearm, jobs and homes fit for hero's. Reality : Closed down malls, poverty, no money to put gas in the car, gun crime. So was the American Dream nothing more than fantasy or never was economy possible ?

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If the American dream is equality of opportunity, then it is just that, a dream that hasn't been realised. Yes there are a few 'rags to riches' examples, but they are the exception rather than the rule. In fact the American business magnate Warren Buffett recently said that:

"there’s been class warfare going on for the last 20 years, and my class has won". A frank admission, and one which earned him the title of 'class traitor' by furious Republicans & conservatives.

Same in this country really.


But the American dream inspired some great literature: I recommend the play 'Death of a Salesman'

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To give a idea on how bad things have got in the U.S. , on YouTube look for a guy called Dan Bell and his dead mall series and for films about Slab City, the last free place in America.
I've got along quite nicely for over 45 years by escaping from sunny Sheffield. I don't get upset if my neighbors are shooting each other, or that monster Hyundai Accent next door is using up all the gas which you have to pay zillions of pounds to run and we pay only $2.50 a US gallon for. I look round me and still believe this country will still be around running the show`, long after I'm dead and gone, and even my seven grandchildren are also dead and gone. So have on with your troll, its nothing new.:hihi: By the way, that spire would have been straightened years ago, or better still knocked down if it was in America. We don't much like ugly. Edited by buck
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I've got along quite nicely for over 45 years by escaping from sunny Sheffield. I don't get upset if my neighbors are shooting each other, or that monster Hyundai Accent next door is using up all the gas which you have to pay zillions of pounds to run and we pay only $2.50 a US gallon for. I look round me and still believe this country will still be around running the show`, long after I'm dead and gone, and even my seven grandchildren are also dead and gone. So have on with your troll, its nothing new.:hihi: By the way, that spire would have been straightened years ago, or better still knocked down if it was in America. We don't much like ugly.


No this thread not a troll but a genuine question I'm interested in American history and seeing how the global downturn is affecting a large economy like the U.S. has. So why is it this once grand malls on YouTube are closing in your opinion? , why the rise in popularity in a place like Slab city? Ps theirs nothing wrong with our spire well untill the devil sat on it that is........


---------- Post added 27-08-2015 at 22:56 ----------


Aww. I thought this was going to be a thread about Dusty Rhodes.


Sorry to disappoint you :hihi:

Edited by crookedspire
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I've got along quite nicely for over 45 years by escaping from sunny Sheffield. I don't get upset if my neighbors are shooting each other, or that monster Hyundai Accent next door is using up all the gas which you have to pay zillions of pounds to run and we pay only $2.50 a US gallon for. I look round me and still believe this country will still be around running the show`, long after I'm dead and gone, and even my seven grandchildren are also dead and gone. So have on with your troll, its nothing new.:hihi: By the way, that spire would have been straightened years ago, or better still knocked down if it was in America. We don't much like ugly.


That's not a very nice thing to say about a building that's older than every building in the US.

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