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Inside Photos Of The Cossack Pub, Howard Street.

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A bit of a long shot this one, does anyone have any inside photos of the Cossack pub that closed in November 2003. Not a very big pub that stood at the back of the Howard Hotel was a prefab construction built to replace the bombed out pub . Was notable for been a gay venue? thanks .

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A bit of a long shot this one, does anyone have any inside photos of the Cossack pub that closed in November 2003. Not a very big pub that stood at the back of the Howard Hotel was a prefab construction built to replace the bombed out pub . Was notable for been a gay venue? thanks .


"Not a very big pub", now there is an under statement, if I ever heard one. Our front room was bigger..lol. Pictures? who knows, one snap on entry would cover the entire pub. Seriously though I only ever went in once in the 60's and as there were no ladies around, the lads and I went on our merry way. Not trying to make fun of you or the customers of the Cossack, just relating my thoughts on the subject, good luck with your search.

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"Not a very big pub", now there is an under statement, if I ever heard one. Our front room was bigger..lol. Pictures? who knows, one snap on entry would cover the entire pub. Seriously though I only ever went in once in the 60's and as there were no ladies around, the lads and I went on our merry way. Not trying to make fun of you or the customers of the Cossack, just relating my thoughts on the subject, good luck with your search.


Reading your post reminds me of a guy who went to the Cossack regularly. In the day he was a builder built like a brick house deep voice the works. Come night he became Karen a drag queen fair to say no said too much to him he / she though was a really nice guy. But some prat one night got a bit to clever with him then bang the guy was on the floor , moral of the lesson is don't mess with a drag queen it can end messy.:hihi:

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Reading your post reminds me of a guy who went to the Cossack regularly. In the day he was a builder built like a brick house deep voice the works. Come night he became Karen a drag queen fair to say no said too much to him he / she though was a really nice guy. But some prat one night got a bit to clever with him then bang the guy was on the floor , moral of the lesson is don't mess with a drag queen it can end messy.:hihi:

Have a look at a thread I started on here about the Barleycorn and The Travellers, a few weeks ago. A few stories like that, on there.

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