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Using a mobile whilst driving?

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Poppycock! My wife has a disability which is quite visible, however a relative has a blue badge and to look at her you would think there is nothing wrong with her. She is loud, funny, dresses younger than she should ( her words, not mine) and will not let her disability impede her when possible.

However, she collapses into unconsciousness at the drop of a hat and requires company 24/7.

Her friends are of same outlook. In fact it may have been her!


Good for her go for it, " In fact it may have been her " I dought it, I did'nt mention it before so as not to be see pointing the finger at a minority but these two were young, twentys and of our commonwealth bretheran and as I said before I am not against disability's in what ever form they take but these two were really taking the water and they new it by there demeanour.


:wink: Nice word Poppycock you must be of my age not many young people would have thought of that.

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Poppycock! My wife has a disability which is quite visible, however a relative has a blue badge and to look at her you would think there is nothing wrong with her. She is loud, funny, dresses younger than she should ( her words, not mine) and will not let her disability impede her when possible.

However, she collapses into unconsciousness at the drop of a hat and requires company 24/7.

Her friends are of same outlook. In fact it may have been her!


My Bold

And she drives?

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The problem is too many people are addicted to looking at their mobile phones screens and don't care where they are or what they are doing. Mobile phones are like nuclear weapons, being it is a tragedy to mankind that either were invented.


I'm always within reach of my phone and my Husband says I'm obsessed with it (which is probably true), however as soon as I get in the car it goes in my handbag and I don't even look at it.


I was on Bradfield Road heading towards Holme Lane last week...a woman in a red car pulled out of the car park into the left hand land and then just stopped ahead of me...I thought she was going to try and switch lanes but as I got level with her she was totally stationary, head down, scrolling through her phone...totally oblivious! Beeped my horn and she almost jumped out her skin! :rolleyes:

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Just to play devils advocate, why is using a mobile phone unacceptable (which may or may not be being used as a sat nav device) but throwing ones head back whilst consuming a large triple shot hazel nut latte whilst doing 70+ down the outside lane of the M1 is?


I wouldn`t have thought the latter would be legal if the cops saw you doing it. But, even that is no where near as dangerous as chatting on a mobile because the latter goes on for far longer.

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Just to play devils advocate, why is using a mobile phone unacceptable (which may or may not be being used as a sat nav device) but throwing ones head back whilst consuming a large triple shot hazel nut latte whilst doing 70+ down the outside lane of the M1 is?


It's fine unless the large triple shot hazel nut latte starts talking to you and demanding your attention.


If you believe that is happening then there are clinics that can help.

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I wouldn`t have thought the latter would be legal if the cops saw you doing it. But, even that is no where near as dangerous as chatting on a mobile because the latter goes on for far longer.


But my head is tipping back, my eyes cant be on the road properly? Unless youre using a straw.....

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My Bold

And she drives?


No, she has a blue badge though and she's definitely not in her twenties either. So maybe it wasn't her.

Poppycock.. After 22 years in the Army I had to wean myself off the strong stuff and tend to use that and 'Good grief'

Tends to get me in less trouble at work.

Edited by monkey104
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