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Using a mobile whilst driving?

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Good news this morning. Apparently the Government are considering doubling the fine for using a mobile phone at the wheel to £200. And more significantly, much more significantly, double the points to 6, thus two prosecutions and you lose your licence. The acid test, of course, is how many drivers actually get caught. Can they not use cameras to catch them ?

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Good news this morning. Apparently the Government are considering doubling the fine for using a mobile phone at the wheel to £200. And more significantly, much more significantly, double the points to 6, thus two prosecutions and you lose your licence. The acid test, of course, is how many drivers actually get caught. Can they not use cameras to catch them ?


Not sure if its either/or/and, but you can be made to retake your driving test.


I would love to retake my test, the punishment for some motoring offenses are a joke.

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The punishment for using a mobile telephone when driving is to double - link. As discussed on the Radio 4 programme 'Today' just this morning, the problem is that motorists are of the opinion that they will get away with it; unfortunately they are right as there are too few traffic officers to spot them. The best thing to do with a mobile 'phone when driving is to switch the thing off, and that includes the hands free gadgets on modern cars. The roads are simply too busy these days - a driver needs to focus wholly on driving with no distractions.

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The punishment for using a mobile telephone when driving is to double - link. As discussed on the Radio 4 programme 'Today' just this morning, the problem is that motorists are of the opinion that they will get away with it; unfortunately they are right as there are too few traffic officers to spot them. The best thing to do with a mobile 'phone when driving is to switch the thing off, and that includes the hands free gadgets on modern cars. The roads are simply too busy these days - a driver needs to focus wholly on driving with no distractions.


The police could put more effort into catching people, but they dont see it as a priority.

They could catch people doing anything, with a good automatic camera, or even a manned camera by a person pressing record with someone passed using a mobile phone/seatbelt offence.



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The police could put more effort into catching people, but they dont see it as a priority.

They could catch people doing anything, with a good automatic camera, or even a manned camera by a person pressing record with someone passed using a mobile phone/seatbelt offence.




True, but it all takes money which the police just do not have. Plus there is legislation to be adhered to when issuing a TOR. You have to be speaking to the driver of the vehicle when the TOR is issued plus certain points to prove and other observations need to be recorded.

ie. Is the phone switched on, description of phone, was an emergency call being made ( defence to the offence), is it actually a phone?

How many times do you see someone in a car and think they are on the phone then realise that they are only resting on their hand?

Police officers are few, and traffic even fewer.

I remember many rejoicing that police spending had been cut but we are getting the service we deserve.

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this thread resonates with the one about West Midlands Police actually prosecuting repeat offenders.


We have too many Christopher Gards on our roads, those who think they know better, and are allowed to keep re offending until they kill.



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  • 2 weeks later...

i have seen 5 in less than hour today, and they are all ways laughing and smiling as if they are doing nothing wrong if the police parked at the bottom of normanton hill at 8am they would catch loads but the worst rd is parkway into town 9am young women 20 to 30yrs old even when you stare at them they dont get off them more plain police cars on the parkway please

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I'm not sure where the danger ACTUALLY is with using a mobile phone whilst driving.

We are allowed to use a hands free system ...so it's not the act of holding a conversation with someone who's not in the car?

We are allowed to drive with one arm..if you were disabled

We are allowed to start a naked flame and then hold onto something that's actually on fire

We are allowed to remove one hand from our steering wheels to change gear /change music /radio etc

So the act of holding the phone to our ears suddenly makes us a massive danger?


I do see many using phones to text /reading /taking photo's which I think is inexcusable whilst driving


What do others think?

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