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Using a mobile whilst driving?

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It`s interesting, I`ve never actually met any driver who says it`s fine to chat on your mobile whilst driving, and yet......... Not only do loads of drivers do so but they get very annoyed if you even so much as point it out to them. Who are all these people ? Do any of them come on here ? Latest, a red Porsche driving through Oughtibridge. I was particularly easily wound up about it because I was walking with my toddler at the time, so I put my hand to my ear as he looked at me. But did he stop ? Ask a stupid question.... He just got annoyed. Typical of the far too common arrogant hypocritical car driver. He only thinks chatting on a mobile whilst driving is wrong if it`s someone else doing it, or it`s the Police pointing it out to him. If he reads this, come on and defend the indefensible, I`d love to hear how he`ll try and argue black is white, cretin.

Edited by Justin Smith
Masked swearing
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What are the point of L plates?


The Foil said they were on the A1 with no helmets.


Unless the rider has passed both the CBT and the full bike test he has to display L Plates IIRC.


Was just wondering if he'd broken that law as well :)


(Though I don't actually know why you need to display L plates until you pass the full bike test if you are only riding a scooter)

Edited by Santo
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I'm not sure where the danger ACTUALLY is with using a mobile phone whilst driving.

We are allowed to use a hands free system ...so it's not the act of holding a conversation with someone who's not in the car?

We are allowed to drive with one arm..if you were disabled

..with adaptations to the vehicle to compensate


We are allowed to start a naked flame and then hold onto something that's actually on fire

I agree, that one's quite bonkers


We are allowed to remove one hand from our steering wheels to change gear /change music /radio etc
one hand used to briefly operate/adjust something, not holding something valuable that the driver is unlikely to let go of to react quickly


So the act of holding the phone to our ears suddenly makes us a massive danger?
I would say yes, along with holding a lit cigarette.
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I was behind the driver of a 4x4 BMW this morning which had stopped NEAR the traffic lights on Ecclesall Rd South. The driver seemed to be on the mobile phone and was unaware the lights had changed. I blew my horn and she was so engrossed she looked around to see who had done this and continued on the phone.

If you can afford to run such a big car Reg YF15 *** then surely you can afford a handsfree kit!!! Come on, get with it. Look at the News on the tv and see how many people have been killed because of thoughtless drivers on mobile phones.

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