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Ten Sheffield beautiful buildings


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Hi andingmen, I have decided on three so far - the Green mosque on Wolseley Rd. the substation near where Lancaster Europa used to be, and the old Grosvenor hotel. All very different, yet equally beautiful. Seven more to come - soon.


Out of curiosity, andingmen - how did you know my initials are OP?


Actually, the mosque on Wolseley Road appears to have divided opinion on both the "beautiful" and "ugly" current threads equally.

As for my two penn'orth, I think it's a pretty tacky, poor build quality religious establishment, at least as seen from the outside. It's also in the wrong place both aesthetically and, from a traffic point of view, practically. I suppose though there were many constraints which made it end up how, and where, it is.

But, hey, sorry, we're supposed to be discussing positives on this thread.....

So I'm interested to see your next seven ideas, Blowfealt.

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Yeah, but realistically what will they spend all that money to do with them?


I went for a wander down there a couple of weeks ago to take some photos, the people hanging about the bus stops looked like something of star wars.


Unless they want to turn them into a smack rehab centre, Well still have an abandoned building.

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  • 1 month later...

I confess that resurrecting this thread is a blatant attempt to counter the negativity of the ugly buildings thread.

However I’ve been thinking more about this topic and now suggest a whole cluster of beautiful buildings in the Kenwood/Nether Edge area. As a lad, a good few years ago now, I used to deliver the Readers’ Digest to many of these houses. I was always stunned by the elegance and size of many of the residences, with their stone exteriors, huge rooms and vast gardens. They just exuded wealth and grandeur to a young lad like me. I always dreamt that one day I might be in a position to own one.

Most of these houses are still here. Many are now offices or converted into flats.

I’m still dreaming…

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I've often wandered through the city centre on a grey day feeling miserable, only to look upwards and see a little gargoyle leering down at me from above an otherwise unremarkable shop front, or a bit of elaborate detailing I hadn't noticed before, or the antiquated lettering from the building's previous use. That always makes me smile.


I quite like the university law building... although has anyone noticed how, erm, phallic its railings are? :S

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  • 4 months later...



This Building in Fitzallan Square is very impressive with its balconys and arched shop fronts I feel if this square was on the continent it would be full of cafes and bars with outdoor seating but its been neglected as usual by the City Planners I also love the bulidings on Pinstone street surrounding the Peace Gardens and Midland Station frontage I agree you often have to crane your neck to fing the beauty. Will give some thought to another 7

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