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unloved/abused Staffies.


According to a recent report, abused Staffy Bull Terriers are being pounded by the authorities in Sheffield. The cost of release to the owner is higher than the price of a new dog - so instead, the owners are buying new Staffies!


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All the chavs seem to have these dogs which is probably why this is happening


You must have an elevated opinion of yourself to look down on others like that, ever have the guts to call one of them chav, no I didnt thinks so.

Those so called chavs have some of the best loved and looked after dogs you can imagine.

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This is what it needs - the local council must publicise the fact of the volume of dogs and cats being thrown away in the local citites. Its disgraceful and all goes on behind closed doors - as the general public calmly dump, give up on, exchange, make excuses for, throw out - a family pet they dont want any more.


Its not just staffies, its any breed - but staffies are the greatest numbers.


About time, the public were shamed for their wasteful breeding and throw away society of living breathing pets.

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unloved/abused Staffies.


According to a recent report, abused Staffy Bull Terriers are being pounded by the authorities in Sheffield. The cost of release to the owner is higher than the price of a new dog - so instead, the owners are buying new Staffies!



If people took better care of their dogs and didn't let them stray they would not have to be taken in by the dog pound, for the dogs (and public/road) safety, they do not target staffies they take straying dogs.


The answer is this...do not let your dog stray...get it microchipped and a good collar with a tag on, then you have a chance of getting it home instead of taken away.


Not much sympathy really.

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You must have an elevated opinion of yourself to look down on others like that, ever have the guts to call one of them chav, no I didnt thinks so.

Those so called chavs have some of the best loved and looked after dogs you can imagine.


It's a very sad fact of life that staffies are a common choice for chav idiots who aren't mentally capable of owning a house plant let alone a powerful dog, like the one that let his staffy, viciously and totally unprovoked, attack my on lead dog resulting in over £350 of surgery. Oh and that's not to mention threatening to set his dog on me when I said it should be on a lead, and calling me a 'wh**e' amongst other things. Yes, some staffy owners are real gems. And for the record, I told him EXACTLY what I thought of him to his face.


The police are dealing with this particular idiot now. A slow process though sadly.


There are far too many staffies and not enough decent homes. They are the dog of choice for idiots who keep breeding and buying them, and not looking after them properly so they stray or dumping them when they get bored.


And no before anyone jumps to any stupid conclusions I'm very clearly NOT saying everyone who has a staffy is a chav or an idiot, just that these scummy people are far more likely to own a staffy than any other type of dog.


---------- Post added 02-09-2015 at 10:13 ----------


unloved/abused Staffies.


According to a recent report, abused Staffy Bull Terriers are being pounded by the authorities in Sheffield. The cost of release to the owner is higher than the price of a new dog - so instead, the owners are buying new Staffies!



The pound doesn't (specifically) take in abused dogs and doesn't target any particular breed, they just take in all strays. Not sure if your angry face is aimed at the pound that are just trying to keep the strays and the streets safe or the idiot owners who don't look after their dog properly and let it stray, then don't care enough to get it back?

Edited by vwkittie
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I agree with vwkittie. Not all Staffies have bad owners but sadly lots of bad owners have Staffies.


I'm a Staffy owner myself and she's a rescue. She is the friendliest, most lovely dog you could ever meet. I love Staffies, they're an amazing breed. But they are strong, powerful dogs and in the wrong hands they do have the potential to be quite dangerous. And sadly, that's why the idiots are attracted to them.


If only more people could see the breed for what they really are. A gentle, loving, affectionate, amazing dog! We need more people to rescue and adopt Staffies. We need the idiots to stop breeding them.


Lots of people meet my dog and say something like ' she's friendly for a Staffy, isn't she?' Or 'she's not a typical Staffy is she'. Yes, she is! She is a typical Staffy, most of them are this daft and lovely! But people have the wrong image of them due to the idiots that use them as a weapon. It really is very sad but unfortunately, I don't see anything changing anytime soon :(

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