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National living wage will destroy jobs says ex-sainsburys chief

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i think there is a danger that this forum has been hi-jacked by a one man communist propaganda coup. it is starting to sound like a cuban cigar factory.


youve got nothing. its so easy. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, one hand tied behind my back. On toast...

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Why do right-wingers always want to keep the working man down, either economically, by not wanting them to withdraw their labour or preventing them from freedom of speech?

Talk about I'm alright Jack, don't help others up the ladder after me. :roll:


The rich own the world and the propaganda of the press. I don't think they will be happy until they bring back slavery.:roll:

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The tories and CBI and Institute of Directors predicted the end of the world as we know it when the NMW was first brought in. It didn't happen.


It's only fair that employers pay a decent wage instead of expecting everyone else (taxpayers) to subsidise low wages.


At the same time I'd like to see a big rolling back of employers' National Insurance contributions. Many could afford to pay higher wages if they weren't forced to pay a tax for each employee they have.


Employee gets higher pay - win

Government doesn't have to top up with tax credits - win

Employer pays less NI - win

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Speaking as a staunch capitalist, there has to be a trickle down of money from the top to the bottom to allow the consumers to maintain demand. If the elite hoards money then this is a sure fire way to ensure that capitalism fails in one way or another.


Profit needs be either invested or spent not hoarded.

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