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What on Earth am I picking up?


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I've noticed recently while using my laptop in a certain room in my house with headphones, I am hearing voices through the headphones (no seriously, I am sane) almost like I'm picking picking up the signals from a Police scanner, along those lines.


The voice is very muffled, but I can tell at the start of each err.. transmission? the guy uses the NATO phonetic alphabet, I also heard something about Park Square roundabout the other day.


I have since learnt that someone in the block does use a CB radio, and I think I am picking up his conversations, but it is a very strange feeling when you are listening/watching something and you start hearing voices.


I have never know a laptop to do this before, can anyone shed light on it?


Or am I unknowingly being targeted for a human experiment by the government or even extra terrestrial life :suspect:


Can I just confirm I am absolutely not out of my mind, I definitely swear.

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If you can easily hear the signal then it's amplitude modulation. That makes it either CB or amateur radio. It possible it could be a broadcast transmitter but I doubt you are that close to one that you'd be picking it up like that.


The fact that there is someone using the phoentic alphabet at the start means that it's a callsign being given and that's going to mean amateur radio though - any idea what the callsign is?

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