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A most bizarre incident..

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So if you are "merely referring to an incident" explain this then.


If you obviously found it so amusing that someone else's property was damaged by some incompetent van loader what exactly is your problem with Audis??


I just don't like them. This is allowed isn't it?


Perhaps if I see a lorry smash into your house I would find that hilarious and post it all on a forum to tell everyone rather than informing you. Of course you would not have a problem with that I presume.


If nobody was hurt I wouldn't mind if you saw the funny side.

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I just don't like them. This is allowed isn't it?



Yes, of course it's allowed. You are also allowed to find it funny that someone's car has been damaged: as far as I'm aware there's no law against that. Yet!


However ........ along with your right to laugh at others' misfortunes, you must bear in mind that people also have the right to express their opinions that you're acting in a rather uncharitable manner.



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However ........ along with your right to laugh at others' misfortunes, you must bear in mind that people also have the right to express their opinions that you're acting in a rather uncharitable manner.



Do you mean he's a... banker?

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Quite a dick post there


quite a dick response


---------- Post added 01-09-2015 at 13:47 ----------


I like you!

You said what i was afraid to lol


(ive had my membership suspended a few times recently you see:hihi:)


maybe you should pm him ,seeing that you're afraid and he's not i think you'd make a lovely couple:love:


membership suspended:suspect: I doubt it ,to much of a sly brown nose for that.

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quite a dick response


---------- Post added 01-09-2015 at 13:47 ----------



maybe you should pm him ,seeing that you're afraid and he's not i think you'd make a lovely couple:love:


membership suspended:suspect: I doubt it ,to much of a sly brown nose for that.

Brown nose? Hahahaha.

Mate, im not sure what you are on but trust me, ive been suspended at least 3 times since joining.

Or dont, im not overly fussed. You have a good day ;)

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Just been out to post a letter and as I was walking up the road to the post box, a small truck went past. As it did, the back door flew open and a pallet jack flew out onto the road.


It travelled up the road a good few yards and embedded itself in the back of an Audi (hahaha) parked there. The driver and his mate obviously realised something had happened as they stopped and got out. They were looking around quite puzzled so I was a good Samaritan and said "I think you'll find your pallet thingy came to rest behind that Audi" and walked back home.


My first thought was to get on an internet forum and tell everybody that my thoughts are with a family who I don't know but actually I just thought I'd share this story as I found it all very amusing.


You need to get out abit more, not right in head

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