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Kickboxing At Usport S10

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This thread is all about a new kickboxing class that is starting this month at Goodwin Sports Centre , also known as Usport which happens to be Sheffield University Sports Centre on Northumberland Road sheffield S10.


The class is geared for beginners and will consist of fitness training, safe stretching (i.e. dynamic stretching as opposed to a lot of the unsafe stretches used by a lot of martial arts clubs these days) and self defense techniques.


The class will be taught by the same instructor who teaches the very successful classes at Sheffield Hallam University.


For further information on these classes Contact me directly on 07775 914155or Email me on info@sheffieldkickboxing.com


The class time will be :





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I think I am defo gonna go to this class as I go to USport gym, and the facilities they have there are excellent. Having trained with AFK before I like the setup and the knowledge of the instructors, as they always make time for you.


Who is going to be taking the classes?

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Thank you for the compliment Adam I take it you are sticking to the sport hallam classes on Tuesday and Thursday though?


Roweshow ,

The gym facilities at Usport (goodwin) are top notch. Ill be getting there early to use the gym before teaching my class. Need to firm myself up again, im sort of getting a bit lazy. Just getting a bit of padwork here and there, mind you I did 10 rounds of sparring monday (my shins are all banged up from that!).

I have seen the activities room at Goodwin its not a bad room theyve splashed out on the pads, gloves etc and they have a few bags too. Its looking good! See you down there.

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Thank you for the compliment Adam I take it you are sticking to the sport hallam classes on Tuesday and Thursday though?


Yeah because I don't want to overdo training as I also have gym and football commitments :thumbsup:

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Hey Farhad,


good to see your training on wednesday too now....


Hope you were hurting after sparrin with me on tuesday... I was big time but I love it......!


Back to the rigs tomorrow though.... I'll try those new focus mits out you gave me, I'll get some mad scotish rigger to hold them for me.....!!!


what combos do you reccomend to work on the most....??



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Hi Mr Oil Rigger

This is my advice, try between 3x2 mins or 7x2mins rounds on the mitts then get onto the bag. Use 30 seconds rest period between rounds.


Do each combo 10 times then go onto the next, try this until time runs out for each round.

Try the following combos:


Basic ones to begin with.

Firstly 10 x Jab, then 10xCross (as a warm up)

Jab-cross, Jab-cross-jab , Double Jab-Cross. Jab-Cross-Hook Jab-Cross-Hook-Cross


Then move onto:

Jab- R.Uppercut, Jab-R.Uppercut-L.Hook , Jab-R.Uppercut-L.Hook-R.Cross



R.Uppercut, R.Uppercut-L.Hook , R.Uppercut-L.Hook-R.Cross ,



Then get your partner to hold the left pad (or the right pad inverted like I do) at a 45 -60 degree angle to approximate the action of hitting the liver.


10 SOLID left body hooks (straight into the Liver Ricky Hatton Style) , from now on referred to as "liver shot"


10x Liver shot- R.Cross, 10x Liver shot- Left hook, 10x Liver shot-Left hook-R.Cross, 10x Liver shot-R.Cross- Left hook .


Hopefully that should be enough to keep you busy while you are away and you obviously dont mind me sharing the combos with other forumers :thumbsup:


Do you want any combos that include kicks (for the bags mainly) ? If so let me know but firstly get through this particular set of combos. I predict there is more than enough for a few days perhaps. Practise them dilligently , remember the fast twitch, fire them out FAST! Then straight back to the pad. Tuck your chin down and keep those elbows in. Keep the right glove on your chin when throwin the left hook. Be mindful about that particular detail as minor it may seem , a low right guard will make you a favourite with the left high kick/left hook merchants :help: .


After 10 rounds of sparring on monday then 6 rounds with you tuesday morning, my right shin is all banged up, my lead leg is all bruised and also my whole upperbody is sore too so the feeling is mutual :D


See you next week mate. Oh one of the girls has organised another AFK night out , will I be able to keep up??? :help:


Obviously Sarahbabe had a hand in organising the social :banana:


Theres a big surprise eh? :surprised

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Hi Farhad .... how's it hanging?????


Hope the club is doin well ..... you still teaching in schools????


Was interested to see that you've linked up with both Uni's to start classes at their sports centres ....


I've been in touch with both HallamUni and SheffUni to try to link our karate club up with their sports unions ..... not much came back .....


How did you do it???? Are you an official part of the Sports Union or do you just rent room and offer the tuition to students???? How much does it cost to rent????


Hope you enjoyed the hols .....



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Hi John

I have a very convenient arrangement with both universities. I will ring you up soon to tell you more about it.

What is even more interesting is that I have now linked a lot of the universities together and we have an interuniversity kickboxing league.

In fact I refereed and judged at the Southern championships, promoted the Northern Championships myself wrote all the national ratings and did all the matching, the MC'ing and co promoted the British University Title fights.

The Kickboxing league is flourishing quite well , next time I do a promotion I would possibly like you to become part of it if you dont mind.

Oh I still do a bit of supply teaching in schools Mr Hunter :D

Speak to you soon buddy


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