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The Bible is a awesome Book even if you dont believe its Gods word

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I don't know. Do you know?


Yeah, I used to be part of a church. They basically extort it from followers. Call it things like wealth creation. I won't go in to it....


---------- Post added 31-08-2015 at 18:17 ----------


What subsidies do the CoE get from the state?


Tax breaks and state funded schools....gift aid.

Edited by TJC1
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Yeah, I used to be part of a church. They basically extort it from followers. Call it things like wealth creation. I won't go in to it....


---------- Post added 31-08-2015 at 18:17 ----------



Tax breaks and state funded schools....gift aid.


Are all churches, mosques, temples, synagogues etc like this or is it just some the weird ones?

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I wasn't suggesting otherwise, but as [you see]/[it is] a shortcoming of the bible that it lacks any teaching on the immorality of rape and slavery, then any replacement [Aesop's Fables] could be improved by the inclusion of such teachings. Or maybe we can sit back and leave everything to the government?
I don't think the bible needs to be replaced, I think we're fine without one great text to look to. I have more faith in humanity than you clearly, which is odd because I'm kind of a cynic.


We're living in the least violent time in human history, more people are educated than ever before, I learned right from wrong from my parents, my teachers, and my peers, and from the culture I consumed in films, books and even videogames. I'm all for getting people to get together and have discussions about right and wrong, but do not see the need for a reference text. Especially one as horribly outdated as the bible, you wouldn't use a 3000 year old book as the one text to teach modern science, or mathematics, so why do it with morals?


... and society would be better off with a replacement ... ? Nobody inherits their moral code in their genes, we all learn our morals from somewhere, and like it or not, the source of much of our modern moral code remains ancient holy scriptures.
What? No it doesn't. People didn't go around stealing from everyone and murdering all their neighbors before the 10 commandments.


The source of our modern moral code is ourselves.

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Are all churches, mosques, temples, synagogues etc like this or is it just some the weird ones?


The one I went to did. It's a big one.


I'm sure mosques have their ways, hence why they are always building temples every 5 minutes.


---------- Post added 31-08-2015 at 18:27 ----------


I know a lot of people who turned away from the church, they realised it was phony.


No reason you can't practice at home. That would be OK.

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Yeah, I used to be part of a church. They basically extort it from followers. Call it things like wealth creation. I won't go in to it....



You've got my empathies TJC1, I'll point out that in my experience there not all like that. I've heard of various faith organisations that encourage tithes such as 10% of earnings but personally this wouldn't be for me!

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You see, I just don't think that's gonna work for all the issues a teenager has to deal with.


Why not..you have stated that our present moral code is an 'extension' of scripture which I disagree with...even scripture had to be influenced, are you suggesting that all influence derived from religion?.

Present laws dish out justice should you transgress..once the sentence has been delivered and then completed by the perpetrator that's it.

Religious morality taps into the 'afterlife' (ignorance and fear), damnation for eternity or a nice little number at the right of God. The sin of not believing alone will cast you into the bowels of hell. In fact..you can rape, butcher and hump your best friends spouse till you're exhausted as long as you eventually 'believe' at the time of judgement. Our present laws are less dogmatic as those that are laid down by the church...or the 'book'.


We've evolved, better educated, more tolerant..and not because of an outdated book. I would hazard to guess most people haven't even read it other than titbits relayed at the odd church meeting at sometime in out lives.

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In fact..you can rape, butcher and hump your best friends spouse till you're exhausted as long as you eventually 'believe' at the time of judgement. Our present laws are less dogmatic as those that are laid down by the church...or the 'book'.


Err ............how's this a fact?


I would argue that the CPS would dogmatically pursue anybody who availed themselves of the first two activities!

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The source of our modern moral code is ourselves.


Yes but maybe we all need a little help to discover that code and be reminded of it.


Or have you never contemplated killing your neighbour over his inconsiderate parking? (There's history). Do you meditate perhaps? Or are you a saint in denial? :)


---------- Post added 31-08-2015 at 21:09 ----------


If more logic and reason was taught in schools along with basic human rights and humanitarianism, we would develop greater morals, in my opinion.


Yes, good, but is it the full answer?


Can you think of something it couldn't cover?


Logic, reason, humanitarianism aren't a school lesson, a course, a qualification that you tick off and think "done that". It's a way of life.


You can summarise all of science in a half hour documentary if you chose. (It's just clever nerds discovering stuff, right?) but you won't begin to do the subject justice.


I think you have more faith in schools than I do. Maybe you don't have the police helicopter hovering over your neighbourhood as much as I do.

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In fact..you can rape, butcher and hump your best friends spouse till you're exhausted as long as you eventually 'believe' at the time of judgement. Our present laws are less dogmatic as those that are laid down by the church...or the 'book'.


Err ............how's this a fact?


I would argue that the CPS would dogmatically pursue anybody who availed themselves of the first two activities!


Yes they would, and quite rightly so. The CPS doesn't use the third element - eternal damnation in the 'afterlife', as a crowbar though, quite the contrary. I don't have to commit any crime in order to burn in hell eternally other than be a heathen.

Edited by cassity
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