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The Bible is a awesome Book even if you dont believe its Gods word

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In Jonathan Haidt's TED talk I linked to, he quotes Émile Durkheim who stated that the function of religion is to unite people in a moral community. In that respect we perhaps can see that as religions decline, little else is replacing religious communities with an intention of promoting moral behaviour. However for Christians that do remain part of a community that purports to promote moral values, the Bible continues to be a source of ideas and energy that they can draw upon. And it has history and some credibility.


It seems to me that many non believers are seduced into amoral communities (more and more online) and there is little that has the same power as a revered holy book.


As an atheist, I wish I could point to some other book that has anywhere close to the power as the bible continues to have (despite its irrelevance to the majority)


But who decides morality? A book over a thousand years old? Plenty of things in the bible (state sanctioned rape and murder just for starters!) are hardly bastions of moral guidance are they?

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I am called to preach jimmy even if it's in a dark place. The lady who gave the long list of questions changed 100per cent when I said I would what answers to all her questions , she stuck her head in the sand not only that she advised others to do the same and not attend a bible based seminar,


The christadelphians are well practiced in quoting and misinterpretation.

You would have realised if you had read the my post that those were not questions I needed to have answered for myself. I certainly do not want you or the christadelphians preaching at me and others should be aware of the motives of the christadelphians. I warn others not to be sucked in. I will learn from anybody but I will not be preached at by an organization or cult that believes that only some like themselves will be resurrected during the "great things that are shortly to take place".

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People are entitled to their own beliefs and faith ! Faith based on the bible is a good grounding for us and the bible does teach morals , its gives us truths to live by and truth for us to set our faith by. and as for feeling odd no I have never felt odd because I know that I have peace through my faith


Do you find it strangely conflicting that other faiths have a different story and gods to you?


They cant all be right!

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People are entitled to their own beliefs and faith ! Faith based on the bible is a good grounding for us and the bible does teach morals , its gives us truths to live by and truth for us to set our faith by. and as for feeling odd no I have never felt odd because I know that I have peace through my faith


I have morals and peace without faith though and I don't have a load of silly rules that get in the way all the time.


Can't see why anyone would ever want or need it. Especially some of the rules are so bizzare and pointless.

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I am called to preach jimmy even if it's in a dark place. The lady who gave the long list of questions changed 100per cent when I said I would what answers to all her questions , she stuck her head in the sand not only that she advised others to do the same and not attend a bible based seminar, Click the link and then look at what's covered and you can see her questions were there.
It was a different person actually. The person asking the questions wasn't the same person that came back and had a go at you.


The fool has said in his heart there is no God.... That is fool not in the way most people think , I think even you are not daft enough to say you can prove God dose not exist . I have 900 listened to hours of atheists and christian debate on my ipod some better than others.
Whoop de doo, that means we should all sit back and take your word for everything then, like you're the authority?


No that's not how it works.


You get to see why a particular team of translators did what they did

I'll give you one example.. You are my Satan

You are against me on sheffield forum

The word Satan is more often translated adversary or to oppose

The dead sea scrolls are a fine example of bible reliability

This is just a fragment of what you can learn, the lady who asked all that list of questions did not want them answering, she has said in her heart there is no God . I really thought the questions were brilliant

We all need faith, we do not abandon reason faith comes by looking and testing the word


No we don't all need faith, you don't speak for me there.


Anyway, back to my questions I'd love it if you tried to answer them.


According to the bible, should I release all my slaves?


Should I ever let a women have a position of authority?


Also, here's a quote from a nice liberal Christian, one of the good ones:


"The problem with the Old and New Testaments is that they are both dated pieces of literature that reflect the values and mores of those who wrote them between 1000 BCE and 135 CE. Many passages in the Old Testament reflect a tribal mentality that portrays God as hating everyone the people of Israel hated. It also portrays God as killing the firstborn male in every household in Egypt on the night of the Passover; justifies the institution of slavery (except for fellow Jews) and defines women as the property of men. Note that even the Ten Commandments exhort us "not covet our neighbor's house, his wife, his slaves, his ox, his ass, etc." The neighbor is clearly a male, and the things that we are forbidden to covet are all male possessions. These Hebrew Scriptures, however, also define God as love, justice and as a universal being. In the portrait of the "Servant" in Isaiah 40-55 the Hebrew Scriptures portray human life as capable of giving itself away and even of acting in such a way as to draw the pain out of others, absorb it and return it as love.


The New Testament portrays Paul as believing that slavery is good if it is kind. Paul also reveals attitudes toward women that are today deeply embarrassing: "I forbid a woman to have authority over a man." "Women should keep quiet in church." No, I want both Testaments always to be available to the Christian community, I want no part of the Bible to be treated literally and used as a weapon to enforce someone's will"


If only all Christians felt that way.


Here's a question for you borderline, and I'd love an honest answer to this one: Bishop John Shelby Spong who I just quoted is rather embarrased by some parts of the bible, old and new testaments. Do any parts of it embarrass you, particularly the new testament? and if so which parts?

Edited by flamingjimmy
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So it goes on, and on.


What advice did your god give you to convince the unbelievers?


Would you die for anyone ? Jesus died for my sins what human would do that deliberate act of selflessness. Jesus died so I can go to heaven .


---------- Post added 01-09-2015 at 14:45 ----------


Do you find it strangely conflicting that other faiths have a different story and gods to you?


They cant all be right!


Not at all man loves to mis quote God and what he is trying to say to us .


---------- Post added 01-09-2015 at 14:52 ----------


I have morals and peace without faith though and I don't have a load of silly rules that get in the way all the time.


Can't see why anyone would ever want or need it. Especially some of the rules are so bizzare and pointless.


Many people have the same faith as I do , to us the rules are there for our protection and are'nt silly at all , the bible tells to love one another this is Jesus's greatest commandment

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Would you die for anyone ? Jesus died for my sins what human would do that deliberate act of selflessness. Jesus died so I can go to heaven.


What kind of messed up god would require a human sacrifice to let you into heaven like that?


Condemned because of how he made you, and you can only be saved via human sacrifice. What a loving god.

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Would you die for anyone ? Jesus died for my sins what human would do that deliberate act of selflessness. Jesus died so I can go to heaven .


Explain this for me please with lines from the Bible stating exactly this...


Equally, yes any parent would almost always die for their children, so following the logic all parents are Jesus.

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What kind of messed up god would require a human sacrifice to let you into heaven like that?


Condemned because of how he made you, and you can only be saved via human sacrifice. What a loving god.


Remember he was Gods own son , For God so loved the world he sent his only begotten son to die so who ever believes in him shall have eternal life.

John 3 v 16

Jesus was sent as a way back to God for us .

why should we trust the Bible ?

1, it was the first book ever printed ,

2 its been translated in to many languages

it contains over 750,000 words

and would take 70 hours to read out aloud .

It was written by at least 40 authors from Kings to fishermen , over a period of 1, 500 years on 3 continents , All these scriptures are inspired by God which mean breathed out by God .

Now from some of the history i understand , the archaeology has backed up and done nothing but confirm historical accuracy , This in its self means we all should give this serious consideration


---------- Post added 01-09-2015 at 15:42 ----------


Explain this for me please with lines from the Bible stating exactly this...


Equally, yes any parent would almost always die for their children, so following the logic all parents are Jesus.


not every parent understands sacrifice and so no they wouldn't die for their children


---------- Post added 01-09-2015 at 15:46 ----------


The Bible contains facts which have happened and prophesies for the future some of which we have already seen and some still to come . Many details in to the life and death of Jesus we written down accurately hundreds of years before his birth

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not every parent understands sacrifice and so no they wouldn't die for their children


Not every son of God understands sacrifice so no Jesus didn't die for his children.


This is fun.


---------- Post added 01-09-2015 at 15:48 ----------


The Bible contains facts which have happened and prophesies for the future some of which we have already seen and some still to come . Many details in to the life and death of Jesus we written down accurately hundreds of years before his birth


ROFL! :help:

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