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The Bible is a awesome Book even if you dont believe its Gods word

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I wouldn't suggest that there's any animosity suggested in your post and you certainly seem to know more about the bible than me but I'm going to have to chip in at this point and ask you to consider the difference between faith and belief.

Ghostrider your assuming that all Christians just believe but this is only a part of it.

Christianity is based in faith of and in Jesus Christ not simply belief in holy books.

The inference that the following silence of those you've criticised proves you right surprises me by the simplicity of the point, and also the convenience it lends to your argument.

There's probably a multitude of reasons why they don't leap back into discussion! some of which may be that they have a productive existence away from this forum.

So try to understand the FAITH side of it before defaulting down the belief/ holy book route. For what it's worth you can discuss various parts of the bible until your blue in the face and still manage to fall out over it. That's something that's been happening for centuries and in my experience is still going on! And finally " the upper hand" is generally used in the context of a controlling or dominating environment and in all the time I've been on this forum I don't think that allegation is suitable or applicable to Teeny :)


Ah yes "faith". The belief in something because it's not true. I was wondering when that would come up. This is the age of reason. You'll have to do better.

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I've read it a few times and it gave me a sleepy feeling. I don't know if I was bored or it was God trying to tell me to do something.


I'd love a Christian to respond.


Can't be boredom or sleepiness..you've read it a few times...it must be 'awesome'.

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I wouldn't suggest that there's any animosity suggested in your post and you certainly seem to know more about the bible than me but I'm going to have to chip in at this point and ask you to consider the difference between faith and belief.

Ghostrider your assuming that all Christians just believe but this is only a part of it.

Christianity is based in faith of and in Jesus Christ not simply belief in holy books.

The inference that the following silence of those you've criticised proves you right surprises me by the simplicity of the point, and also the convenience it lends to your argument.

There's probably a multitude of reasons why they don't leap back into discussion! some of which may be that they have a productive existence away from this forum.

So try to understand the FAITH side of it before defaulting down the belief/ holy book route. For what it's worth you can discuss various parts of the bible until your blue in the face and still manage to fall out over it. That's something that's been happening for centuries and in my experience is still going on! And finally " the upper hand" is generally used in the context of a controlling or dominating environment and in all the time I've been on this forum I don't think that allegation is suitable or applicable to Teeny :)


Faith is a subject that could have a topic all to itself.


My post was about many (not all) Theists who are happy to argue a point until, as in this thread, someone shows clearly that the Bible contradicts their argument and then they either go quiet, or simply sidestep the specifics that have been put to them.


I've been discussing and studying religion for years, I'm not 'anti' any faith, I'm merely recounting a 'type' of Theist. teeny certainly appears to fall into that category. I may be wrong. I am happy to be proven so, but until she gives a full and candid answer to flamingjimmy's post my best guess is that she is indeed avoiding the specifics on purpose.

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I'm a Christian...and have never read the Bible fully.


The Gospels...YES...Revelation....YES. Never really bothered much with the rest of it. Got stuck at the beginning of the Old Testament.....and gave up. It's history anyway.


I have simplified the Bible into NINE words. Christians will understand...others may not...here goes:


Love one another, IT IS FINISHED, the lamb wins. :partyhat:

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I'm a Christian...and have never read the Bible fully.


The Gospels...YES...Revelation....YES. Never really bothered much with the rest of it. Got stuck at the beginning of the Old Testament.....and gave up. It's history anyway.


I have simplified the Bible into NINE words. Christians will understand...others may not...here goes:


Love one another, IT IS FINISHED, the lamb wins. :partyhat:

This approach could lead skeptical people to dismiss the Bible. Without trying this happens in

Acts. 18 v 24Meanwhile a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, came to Ephesus. He was a learned man, with a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures. 25He had been instructed in the way of the Lord, and he spoke with great fervora and taught about Jesus accurately, though he knew only the baptism of John. 26He began to speak boldly in the synagogue. When Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they invited him to their home and explained to him the way of God more adequately.

The point is that Apollos had a knowledge of scripture but he did not fully understand and afterwards he was able to prove from scripture that Jesus was the Messiah. The New Testament would not be written at this point. In Acts 8 we have a further example v26Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, “Go south to the road—the desert road—that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.” 27So he started out, and on his way he met an Ethiopiana eunuch, an important official in charge of all the treasury of the Kandake (which means “queen of the Ethiopians”). This man had gone to Jerusalem to worship, 28and on his way home was sitting in his chariot reading the Book of Isaiah the prophet. 29The Spirit told Philip, “Go to that chariot and stay near it.”


30Then Philip ran up to the chariot and heard the man reading Isaiah the prophet. “Do you understand what you are reading?” Philip asked.


31“How can I,” he said, “unless someone explains it to me?” So he invited Philip to come up and sit with him.


32This is the passage of Scripture the eunuch was reading:


“He was led like a sheep to the slaughter,

and as a lamb before its shearer is silent,

so he did not open his mouth.

33In his humiliation he was deprived of justice.

Who can speak of his descendants?

For his life was taken from the earth.”b

34The eunuch asked Philip, “Tell me, please, who is the prophet talking about, himself or someone else?” 35Then Philip began with that very passage of Scripture and told him the good news about Jesus.

A copy of the Book of Isaiah was found in 1947 by a Arab boy it was part of the Dead Sea scrolls and carbon dated before Jesus time

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I'm a Christian...and have never read the Bible fully.


The Gospels...YES...Revelation....YES. Never really bothered much with the rest of it. Got stuck at the beginning of the Old Testament.....and gave up. It's history anyway.


I have simplified the Bible into NINE words. Christians will understand...others may not...here goes:


Love one another, IT IS FINISHED, the lamb wins. :partyhat:


Let me ask you a couple of genuine questions. No malice intended.


If you've not read the Bible fully how can summarise it? Do you not think it is entirely possible the bits that you haven't read contradict the parts you have?


You use the word history. Do you know the difference between history and legend? Have you ever actually researched the history of the Bible to see how much of it can be authenticated?


That's it. To be honest I could rip into your post, and a little bit of me wanted to, but I genuinely don't have anything against people of faith and I want to try to keep it nice while at the same time challenging you.


---------- Post added 06-09-2015 at 08:23 ----------


Let me just point out that in my previous post I said I have no problem with people of faith. I would use this term to describe both teeny and julado.


I would not apply this term to Christedelphians or Jehova's Witnesses, who I consider to be cults who have the organisations, not the members interests at heart. The Christedelphians that I have met have to a person been brainwashed.


I will not debate with them, I don't like them, and I don't recognise them as legitimate religious organisations. Take that whichever way you want. But that's my stance.

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I was reading Terry Pratchett's "Small Gods" (6th time through).

In this book, gods have power depending on the number of believers.

The god OM decides to manifest in the world. The church of OM is great and powerful.

But He appears as a one eyed tortoise - only two people believe in Him - the others believe in His church and its rituals.

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Let me ask you a couple of genuine questions. No malice intended.


If you've not read the Bible fully how can summarise it? Do you not think it is entirely possible the bits that you haven't read contradict the parts you have?


You use the word history. Do you know the difference between history and legend? Have you ever actually researched the history of the Bible to see how much of it can be authenticated?


That's it. To be honest I could rip into your post, and a little bit of me wanted to, but I genuinely don't have anything against people of faith and I want to try to keep it nice while at the same time challenging you.


---------- Post added 06-09-2015 at 08:23 ----------


Let me just point out that in my previous post I said I have no problem with people of faith. I would use this term to describe both teeny and julado.


I would not apply this term to Christedelphians or Jehova's Witnesses, who I consider to be cults who have the organisations, not the members interests at heart. The Christedelphians that I have met have to a person been brainwashed.


I will not debate with them, I don't like them, and I don't recognise them as legitimate religious organisations. Take that whichever way you want. But that's my stance.


Clearly someone who refuses to debate has lost the argument, free will is the overwhelming message of the bible and no way fits into my church, only if you fully understand what we stand for would you join, you would never be asked to join we use all translations not just one. You don't like a whole group of people and refuses to offer reason.

This reminds me of antisemitism and Hittler

I would strongly advise any reasonable person to disregard this poster on this subject maybe he has expertise in other area

We offer a balanced look with historical facts in a neutral venue

The truth is that the bible is worth a look for many many reasons


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