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The Bible is a awesome Book even if you dont believe its Gods word

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Reading the bible is only one way of understanding the bible.


After reading the bible(or parts of it) you should ask yourself:

Which bible have I read?

Whose interpretation I have read?

Why do people need to make different versions?

What is the motive for making different versions?

Who controlled that translation?

Why was that interpretation needed?

Which versions were destroyed in the process?

What do other versions say?

Why are there different versions?

Why have chunks been removed?

Why have bits been added?

How does a church twist its contents to create or vilify characters?

How much of the songs, words, paraphernalia and idolatry seen and heard in churches exist in a bible?

How has "one" book created so many different religions?

How much money does it create?

How is it used to control?


Understanding the history of the bible is much more interesting than its contents.

Perhaps it could be seen as an emergence of the "rights of the individual" which is being out manoeuvred by the powerful and exploited by money.


Fantastic list of question, I would ask myself too and we deal in detail with you list. wonderful list anyone who wants answers please come along including the poster. This is what we cover!!!

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Thanks for your helpful comments

You seem to have missed the question I asked...

I think there are a lot of people think the way you do and with very understandable reasons. This is why we take the time to run informed factual seminars (see the link below ) we don't ask anybody to believe that's a personal response, there are solid answers to your bible objections.. Engage and if something is worthwhile it will probably take a little effort.

...where do your information & facts come from?

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You seem to be synonimising beliefs with morals


:huh: Did I? Where?


If you're talking about the Forum itself being amoral, of course it is, it isn't a sentient being, it's merely a virtual place where members discuss things, the majority of whom do have morals.


So, to repeat, SF is an amoral community*. A community that isn't defined by a moral stance.


The majority of Forum members have 2 legs but nobody is going to describe SF as a bipedal community. It's not a community that is defined by the number of legs its members have.


SF is an amoral, apolitical, abipedal community.


That doesn't mean members don't have their own moral, political and 2-legged stance (I bet I hate that point more than you)


* In contrast to other communities where you are expected to adhere to a set of moral values.

Edited by DrNorm
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:huh: Did I? Where?




So, to repeat, SF is an amoral community*. A community that isn't defined by a moral stance.


The majority of Forum members have 2 legs but nobody is going to describe SF as a bipedal community. It's not a community that is defined by the number of legs its members have.


SF is an amoral, apolitical, abipedal community.


That doesn't mean members don't have their own moral, political and 2-legged stance (I bet I hate that point more than you)


* In contrast to other communities where you are expected to adhere to a set of moral values.

If that's your definition of an amoral community, rather than it being a community of people without morals, then yes SF may be an amoral community. In that same way, parliament is an amoral community. So is my local gym. So is the local library/cafe/bus stop.


If that's what you think an amoral community is then I don't see any problem with amoral communities.

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Fantastic list of question, I would ask myself too and we deal in detail with you list. wonderful list anyone who wants answers please come along including the poster. This is what we cover!!!


The poster will certainly not be attending any session and would certainly not advocate any other to attend.


The questions can all be answered without any intervention from those that would seek to impose or influence their views for whatever reason.


Humans are pre programmed to act collectively and conditions are created in mass events to encourage this. The behaviour seen in political rallies, sporting events, concerts, healing, clairvoyant, religious gatherings, demonstrations, collective bullying etc can be explained better by biochemistry of the brain rather than some ideology or "truth".

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In my experience, there are very few who have actually read it in full at all


I have 3 different editions and still do read them although I'm not religious.


The New Jerusalem Bible (Catholic)

The New World Translation (Jehovah Witness)

And a King James Bible.


Not one is anywhere near the original copied and translated New Testament texts and most rely on the romanticised King James translations for effect.

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I read it for all the freaky weirdness like Ezekiel:



It's pretty far out when read in a modern day context but is estimated to have occurred about 600BC. Considering this has come down through the last 2600 ish years it's a pretty impressive description of Ezekiels vision of divine glory in it's own right. It never ceases to amaze me how this stuff lasts through centuries and survives war, famines, diseases and whatever else life throws around. I believe some scholars look upon this as the first vision that pre-told the coming of the messiah...............not that I'd know as I'm no expert!

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It's pretty far out when read in a modern day context but is estimated to have occurred about 600BC. Considering this has come down through the last 2600 ish years it's a pretty impressive description of Ezekiels vision of divine glory in it's own right. It never ceases to amaze me how this stuff lasts through centuries and survives war, famines, diseases and whatever else life throws around. I believe some scholars look upon this as the first vision that pre-told the coming of the messiah...............not that I'd know as I'm no expert!


A lot of these visions that prophets had have been attributed to taking hallucinogenic substances which was quite common at the time. Similar to Carlos Castaneda and his Shaman rituals done to obtain that "higher knowledge."

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A lot of these visions that prophets had have been attributed to taking hallucinogenic substances which was quite common at the time. Similar to Carlos Castaneda and his Shaman rituals done to obtain that "higher knowledge."


Indeed the poppy and it's cultivation is recorded in Sumerian text some 6000 years ago but there's no inference that Ezekiel was on hallucinogens at the time so let's cut the lad some slack!:)

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