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The Bible is a awesome Book even if you dont believe its Gods word

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Fair do's! FlamingJ but in all fairness no one individual wrote the bible! It's a collection of books by different authors, approx 40 I think.
If not more, I'm well aware of that, and I don't think that I'm being 'unfair' to them to note that "whoever wrote the bible did not think slavery and rape were particularly wrong, at least not on the same level as say for example wearing two different kinds of fabrics or eating shellfish. Either that or they neglected to mention it, which is lazy at best."


Due to It's popularity over the centuries there's been hundreds of thousands that have looked to find fault in it. inevitably that continues to this day, and why not! the fact that it's been questioned, examined and argued over and yet still encourages discussion and debate tells me it's impact is still strong on our culture!
Unfortunately yes its impact is still strong in our culture. I'm not denying that.


Merely asserting that contrary to the assertions of the OP the bible is a terrible book for getting an accurate view of history and a terrible book for becoming what would be considered nowadays to be a morally good person.


Personally I believe for the right reasons in the vast majority of cases. In relation to the fabrics and shellfish bit have I missed the part on Diet and fashion.:)
I'm not quite sure what you're saying here, that you believe the bible in most cases but just haven't read the part that regulates your diet and fashion?


---------- Post added 31-08-2015 at 16:59 ----------


The bibles a work of fiction. All religion should be outlawed, it's responsible for wars and oppression and an excuse to fiddle with kids.


Religion has no place in secular society.


If you outlawed religion that would not be a secular society. You don't seem to understand the words you are using.


Secularism is in fact the best and only guarantee of religious freedom any government has ever tried.

Edited by flamingjimmy
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There are regularly people speaking up against spiteful, hateful and/or discriminatory remarks all the time on SF, not sure how you see that as amoral :huh:




No, it's way too late for that, but it's a much better moral guide. I think I'd use a sad emoticon rather than a laughing one :(


This is a key point though, you can't say the same about the Bible.


Also, I don't think it'd be a bad book for adults, do you?


Can you teach an adult morals? Isn't it a bit late by then?

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That makes you sound like a big facist. What will you do to people who don't conform?


They can practice but in private


---------- Post added 31-08-2015 at 16:33 ----------


Religion is the cause of most wars

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