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Radical Unschooling - Thoughts?

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Side note : This is NOT unparenting. RU's spend every day with their child(ren) guiding and being a positive role model. They go out in to the world and live it rather than being stuck in a classroom learning about what the world is like (see the irony). Basically, all I'm saying, is think about it before you make a judgement :)

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Maybe this should be in the parenting group. You don't have to take your kids out of school to give them quality time and positive influence. Being with peers helps them develop communication skills and hopefully confidence in their growing abilities with the overall objective of learning how to learn.

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I put it hear because I figured it fits in to the category 'news'.


Children don't need to be taught how to learn. They're hard wired to do so.


The world is full of people of all ages, these children interact with children and adults every day. Forced interaction isn't socialisation.

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