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What is a benefits scrounger?

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With an entire economic system based on benefits, I was wondering what is the definition of a benefit scrounger?


Is it someone who plays the system?

Are landlords benefits scroungers, for accepting subsidies?

are people in work who accept in-work benefits?

Would you accept benefits if you were entitled to them and not feel bad about it?


Finally, what sensible solution do you propose to stop this merry go round or do you accept nothing can be done?

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even tory MPs are benefit scrounger, so it goes from the very top to the very bottom of society.

The most sensible way to improve the situation is to bring in a national subsistence allowance for everyone.

Then people would not be worried (or hounded to death) by the DWP.

Its in people genes to better themselves, so languishing on the (meager) but sustaining allowance would be a hopefully temporary arrangement.

people would be able to better themselves and others by working for not only themselves but for society.

Its just not happening with this present system, EVERYONE is out for number one. I am alright jack seems to be the message of the day.

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even tory MPs are benefit scrounger, so it goes from the very top to the very bottom of society.

The most sensible way to improve the situation is to bring in a national subsistence allowance for everyone.

Then people would not be worried (or hounded to death) by the DWP.

Its in people genes to better themselves, so languishing on the (meager) but sustaining allowance would be a hopefully temporary arrangement.

people would be able to better themselves and others by working for not only themselves but for society.

Its just not happening with this present system, EVERYONE is out for number one. I am alright jack seems to be the message of the day.


Everyone gets this allowance? I think its an excellent idea. How would it work?

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I guess that with more benefits going to working people than unemployed the traditional stereotype of the feckless, idle scrounger has to change....Not that that concerns the tabloid press and channel 5 and 4 of course.


'Would you accept benefits if you were entitled to them and not feel bad about it?' That's an important point because as I understand it, for every £1 that is falsely claimed by so called underserving scroungers who regularly feature in tabloids, £16 of benefits and tax credits go unclaimed, who the same tabloids never talk about.

So shame and guilt play a huge part in the benefits system, and our politicians know that.

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I guess that with more benefits going to working people than unemployed the traditional stereotype of the feckless, idle scrounger has to change....Not that that concerns the tabloid press and channel 5 and 4 of course.


'Would you accept benefits if you were entitled to them and not feel bad about it?' That's an important point because as I understand it, for every £1 that is falsely claimed by so called underserving scroungers who regularly feature in tabloids, £16 of benefits and tax credits go unclaimed, who the same tabloids never talk about.

So shame and guilt play a huge part in the benefits system, and our politicians know that.


Its a taboo subject...the media doesnt like to talk about the benefits that prop up private housing and low paid workers because it uncovers the underlying greed thats fueling it....its a pandoras box. Full of questions.


If we open it, we have to look out ourselves and this broken system we've inherited.


---------- Post added 31-08-2015 at 13:03 ----------


The bottom line is...if work paid we wouldnt need to have this discussion.

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With an entire economic system based on benefits, I was wondering what is the definition of a benefit scrounger?


Is it someone who plays the system?

Are landlords benefits scroungers, for accepting subsidies?

are people in work who accept in-work benefits?

Would you accept benefits if you were entitled to them and not feel bad about it?


Finally, what sensible solution do you propose to stop this merry go round or do you accept nothing can be done?

No our economy is not based entirely on the benefits system, what about retail, industry ( what's left of it) commerce in general? What about pensioners are they scroungers too after all the state pension is a benefit along with free travel and Winter Fuel Allowance ? Remember one day we all get old or a misfortune may pay us a visit and may need to turn the Welfare state for help.

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No our economy is not based entirely on the benefits system, what about retail, industry ( what's left of it) commerce in general? What about pensioners are they scroungers too after all the state pension is a benefit along with free travel and Winter Fuel Allowance ? Remember one day we all get old or a misfortune may pay us a visit and may need to turn the Welfare state for help.


Benefits are propping up the economy. If state benefits stopped tomorrow and company subsidies stopped, the uk economy would crumble.


The uk economy itself is based on finance centralised in the city and low paid service jobs.


---------- Post added 31-08-2015 at 13:10 ----------


What about pensioners are they scroungers too after all the state pension is a benefit along with free travel and Winter Fuel Allowance ?


Many pensioners dont need free travel and winter fuel allowance. At least 1 million richer pensioners shouldnt get that money.

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No our economy is not based entirely on the benefits system, what about retail, industry ( what's left of it) commerce in general? What about pensioners are they scroungers too after all the state pension is a benefit along with free travel and Winter Fuel Allowance ? Remember one day we all get old or a misfortune may pay us a visit and may need to turn the Welfare state for help.


If you took away in-work benefits (tax credits, housing benefits) overnight our economy would descend into chaos. In-work benefits underpin everything. Practically every low paid job at every workplace is subsidised.


Costs us £60bn a year and the bill is growing all the time.

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If you took away in-work benefits (tax credits, housing benefits) overnight our economy would descend into chaos. In-work benefits underpin everything. Practically every low paid job at every workplace is subsidised.


Costs us £60bn a year and the bill is growing all the time.


The benefits system is a joke. Whats the point of capping it even? That money doesnt go to people it goes into a private landlords pocket


Its really stupid.


---------- Post added 31-08-2015 at 13:56 ----------


And im not blaming the tories for this...what on earth were new labour doing for 17 years??

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