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Going chemical free

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Will give you one example.


Pesticide grown fruit and veg




Are you convinced pesticides aren't bad for health and the environment?

Do you think it's better to eat pesticide than go organic? Same? Worse?


You don't seem to realise that some pesticides are also derived from organic matter, such as Pyrethrum.


You don't seem to realise that the water you drink has been chemically treated.


You don't seem to realise that vitamin C is a chemical compound.


You don't seem to realise that we need some chemicals for our survival and well-being.


You don't seem to realise that most Salmon in shops is usually farmed and uses chemicals and antibiotics to treat them to stop disease. They can also contain high levels of PCB's and Dioxins from the artificial feed they are given.


You don't seem to realise the difference between soap and detergent.


What do you do if you get a headache, put your fingers in your ear and hum?

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You don't seem to realise that some pesticides are also derived from organic matter, such as Pyrethrum.


You don't seem to realise that the water you drink has been chemically treated.


You don't seem to realise that vitamin C is a chemical compound.


You don't seem to realise that we need some chemicals for our survival and well-being.


You don't seem to realise that most Salmon in shops is usually farmed and uses chemicals and antibiotics to treat them to stop disease. They can also contain high levels of PCB's and Dioxins from the artificial feed they are given.


You don't seem to realise the difference between soap and detergent.


What do you do if you get a headache, put your fingers in your ear and hum?


I eat wild salmon...not farmed.


---------- Post added 01-09-2015 at 19:59 ----------


You don't seem to realise that some pesticides are also derived from organic matter, such as Pyrethrum.


You don't seem to realise that the water you drink has been chemically treated.


You don't seem to realise that vitamin C is a chemical compound.


You don't seem to realise that we need some chemicals for our survival and well-being.


You don't seem to realise that most Salmon in shops is usually farmed and uses chemicals and antibiotics to treat them to stop disease. They can also contain high levels of PCB's and Dioxins from the artificial feed they are given.


You don't seem to realise the difference between soap and detergent.


What do you do if you get a headache, put your fingers in your ear and hum?


I eat wild salmon...not farmed.

The water i drink is mineral water.


---------- Post added 01-09-2015 at 20:01 ----------


Another fool and naysayer

..while us on the chemical free path correct our health and live forever!!!!

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The threads not exactly intended for chemistry geniuses like you...We are but mere mortals forgive us for we know not what we do!


---------- Post added 01-09-2015 at 16:28 ----------



Will give you one example.


Pesticide grown fruit and veg




Are you convinced pesticides aren't bad for health and the environment?

Do you think it's better to eat pesticide than go organic? Same? Worse?


The post you were quoting actually answered the question you asked. Did you not even read it?

You also execute a neat little logical fallacy there. Using pesticides to grow crops does not mean eating pesticides.

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The harmful ones. Im going as close to nature as possible...


Harmful and toxic are two different classifications, they mean different things. Substances that are hazardous to us or the environment can be toxic, irritant, harmful etc, etc. Look the definitions up and look up how various chemicals below certain concentrations (thresholds) change from hazardous to non hazardous. Too much of something can kill you but too little an also kill you eg various salt levels in your diet and electrolyte levels in your cells. Salt is a term used for various compounds not just sodium chloride.


Look at the chemistry of items you think are natural too. You keep talking about soap but there are different ways soap can be made using different chemicals. The end products are very different but all called soap.

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The post you were quoting actually answered the question you asked. Did you not even read it?

You also execute a neat little logical fallacy there. Using pesticides to grow crops does not mean eating pesticides.


I know it doesnt mean eating pesticides...what are your thoughts on the questions?

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