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Jamie Oliver: 'sugar tax'

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Has nobody heard of diet drinks? Diet coke, diet Pepsi, diet dandelion and burdock - honestly I don't understand anyone who isn't stick thin (and I'm not stick thin) who buys full fat, full sugar cans of pop. Yeah I know diet drinks aren't the best thing ever but they aren't as bad as the regular stuff.

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Has nobody heard of diet drinks? Diet coke, diet Pepsi, diet dandelion and burdock - honestly I don't understand anyone who isn't stick thin (and I'm not stick thin) who buys full fat, full sugar cans of pop. Yeah I know diet drinks aren't the best thing ever but they aren't as bad as the regular stuff.


Diet drinks taste disgusting and it can be argued all of the chemical sweeteners are much more harmful anyway.

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Thanks for insight on how my tastebuds work. I don't know I managed. How are these chemicals dangerous and if so what are they called? And will it still make me fat?


Of course taste is individual, so I will re-phrase: "Diet drinks taste disgusting (in my opinion)".


For more info, try Googling "dangers of aspartame". Sugar is a natural product and, in my opinion, is much better in moderation that replacing it with synthetic alternatives that might cause serious health conditions (depending which studies you believe).

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Of course taste is individual, so I will re-phrase: "Diet drinks taste disgusting (in my opinion)".


For more info, try Googling "dangers of aspartame". Sugar is a natural product and, in my opinion, is much better in moderation that replacing it with synthetic alternatives that might cause serious health conditions (depending which studies you believe).


I believe the one where half a million people were studied and it was found to be safe. So does the NHS apparently.

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They'd be better off eating and drinking less, and exercising more.


That's my thought. When I was a lad we didn't have diet this or that I played football or something. When I turned 18 (ish;)) it was a gallon on a Friday night, kebab then a long walk home. I was back in the pub by Saturday afternoon. But Sunday was football, football or squash midweek. I walked 2 or so miles to college everyday. I ate and drank what I liked and I was stick thin. My weight went up when those activities slowly dropped off the radar. Before I knew I was 30 and overweight and it's harder to get off than put on.

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I think he should butt out. I enjoy sugary food and drink as part of a balanced diet. My BMI is safely 'normal'. If people can't control themselves, that's their own problem.


It's our problem when currently about ten percent of the NHS budget is spent on Diabetes. That's £25000 every minute. It's only going to get worse.

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