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Jamie Oliver: 'sugar tax'

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Wow.Sheffield must be the healthiest city in the UK, everyone on here never uses the NHS and want to put conditions on how other people use it.

I used to work with a bloke who was the fittest among us, then he had a bad break on a leg one evening playing five a side football, overnight in hospital then numerous visits, about 5 or 6 months off work on full pay. Should he also have had to pay for his treatment and no sick pay as it was self inflicted.

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TJC1. I know what you're saying but it wasn't healthy for him at the time, we were also working for the local authority at the time so he could probably got back to work a bit sooner. The point I was trying to make, perhaps not very well is that we've all done something daft at some time or another which could result in medical treatment and the fat family I mentioned earlier in the thread might be permanently daft. Some one also mentioned on here earlier that treatment for some conditions should be reliant on being on certain benefits. Could that possibly be right?

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What about if healthy people wish to enjoy chocolate in moderation?


Then they pay a small amount of tax.


---------- Post added 03-09-2015 at 20:03 ----------


That sounds like a great excuse to put a tax on everything.


Tax is pretty much on everything already. You've heard of VAT?

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I think we're beginning to see Camerons crafty plan with VAT; he said they wouldn't increase VAT, and I believe him on that. What they'll do instead is put VAT on a whole host of things that weren't subject to VAT previously.


It would be true to conservative form, since it will hit the poor the worst.

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