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Why is Scotland more to the left?

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you haven't convinced me that scotland is particularly left wing. they voted in droves for the snp in may. they are nationalists who want power devolved to scotland. neither left nor right. labour has the same number of mps in scotland as the tories.


certainly judging by the polls they won't be voting labour in the scottish parliamentary elections. labour is languishing on 19% to 20% in the polls and likely to get a right good thrashing.


consider this. a lot more scots voted labour when blair was leader than voted labour when the union's stooge miliband was at the helm.


They voted in May for what was best for them, they didn't want independence in the referendum then went back to the SNP, I don't suppose we can blame them if they'd voted for independence they would have had to fund all the things we have to pay for in the rest of the UK, ie tuition fees, care for the elderly etc.

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What I find very strange is that yes the Scottish would be considered left wing however if an Englishman was to vote on the side of a pro English party to leave the United Kingdom and to control it's own borders then they would be considered left right wing and maybe racist to boot!

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It's not "free". Someone pays for it: the taxpayers.


drummonds can't help himself.

But, Jeffrey you are usually better than that. Both you and anyone of moderate intelligence knew what I meant.


MickyA - That's because the people have different opinions and the whole world doesn't turn on this issue. In Scotland what's right winger to do? Serious question I'm scratching my head thinking. I suppose they're all lumped in with the conservatives.

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They see free universities, free prescription, free hospital parking etc as things the Scottish Parliament have provided. England doesn't have that therefore Scots see the SNP delivering for them in the face of Westminster wanting to impose more costs on them.


Scots have traditionally been conservative with a small c but Thatcher's complete disregard and hatred of them meant the tories soon became rarer than rocking horse poo North of the Border and the subsequent lurch to the right that Labour did, and their slavish austerity policies left a huge gaping hole that the Scots Nats just walked into.


On the subject of Edinburgh and friendliness....we go every year for a week and everyone is perfectly fine with us. Maybe it's because we aren't gits...I dunno.

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