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Why is Scotland more to the left?

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I see the leader of the NHS thinks Scottish hospitals are doing better than English ones. Free prescriptions, fewer Academies; Scotland is better, for ordinary people.


A family member in Scotland had his surgery for cancer cancelled twice with no replacement date offered. Speed was supposedly important with regard to his future health. He paid to have the op privately. I think he'd rather have surgery for a life threatening condition than free prescriptions.

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I was just checking google maps.

It's not only more to the left, it's also quite a bit further up.

Then there's Ireland of course. They're even further to the left.


You are talking plan view, if you are standing in Sheffield facing Derbyshire for example, Ireland is to the right.:hihi:

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Not sure if it's already been mentioned that Scotland regularly sent Tory MPs to Westminster. It is only in recent political history, since Mrs Thatcher's governments, that Scots have been loathe to vote Tory.

Apparently Mrs Thatcher was genuinely confused as to why the Scots turned on her, complaining that she liked Scotland and holidayed there regularly to prove it!

Given that she had so few MPs up there by the end of her time as PM, she could afford to use Scotland as a guinea pig to experiment her hated Poll Tax.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I see the leader of the NHS thinks Scottish hospitals are doing better than English ones. Free prescriptions, fewer Academies; Scotland is better, for ordinary people.


Scotland performing better again:-


The RCPCH issued a series of recommendations to improve child health across the UK 12 months ago.

In a scorecard on nations' progress, it said Scotland and Wales were performing better than England.



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Not so much to the left, but generations of Scots have got used to being looked after by the English and Welsh, which is a leftist trait too.


Most Scots I've known have been very small c conservative, and the more Scottish they see themselves as, the more conservative they are and the more they hate changing their ways unless it's to make sure that nobody makes them change their ways.

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Not so much to the left, but generations of Scots have got used to being looked after by the English and Welsh, which is a leftist trait too.



I believe Scotland have a better democracy and I wanted to highlight it with this snippet of evidence, seemed like the best thread.

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