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Band Wanted Next Friday.


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You'll get what you pay for (or not in this case), as others have said.


I don't know how local bands make any kind of living these days, there are so many promoters/venue owners who seem only willing to offer 'exposure' or beer for musicians' time. It's insulting for those who actually take the time to practice and hone their craft (and lug their equipment around), to think that their efforts are only worth beer or 'exposure' whilst organisers take all the money the acts help to generate.


It's greed, pure and simple.


i couldn't agree with you more. the problem is only made worse by the sheer volume of bands that are happy to play for practically nothing. this just makes the situation worse for all bands as the ignorant/greedy venues and promoters take advantage of the excess supply. i've said this before, but this problem is rife in sheffield, perhaps because a lot of the bands are young students just starting out and easier to exploit. it's not such a problem in chesterfield, doncaster, rotherham, etc as venues tend to understand that they pay bands for their service...


don't get me wrong, if you're a young band, with little experience, doing original songs, and you have little gear to cart around OR if you don't put much effort in i.e. you hardly practice so your set list is a bit ropey and you have little equipment etc then i can understand that you may be tempted to play for free just for the experience.... BUT if you're a semi pro band with a full lighting rig, PA, loads of amps and guitars, special effects, decent sized drum kit, backdrop, etc etc there is no way on earth you're going to be interested in doing a freebie gig for a couple of drinks. to be honest, it's an insult


the problem is, a lot of venues/promoters (particularly in sheffield for some reason) seem to make no distinction between the bands. they can't understand why a proper 5 piece semi pro jazz or rock band that's been going for 10 years won't play for free when they had some young 'uns do it last week. unfortunately, this is why we rarely see the top bands in some sheffield bars


....kinda gone off on one here, but yeah, the moral of the story is:- you get what you pay for :)

Edited by paranoid
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