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Being sworn at for no reason..

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I usually get the finger from passengers in cars or insults being shouted from the window. Of course this is fine because they don't have to face any consequences.



It isn't fine though, SomeNextGuy - people such as Cyclone, who think that "heavy petting at the bus stop, breaking wind and/or belching in public, vaping" is a joke, need educating.


"Jokes" are supposed to be funny - older people feeling intimidated in town by immature behaviour is FAR from funny.

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It isn't fine though, SomeNextGuy - people such as Cyclone, who think that "heavy petting at the bus stop, breaking wind and/or belching in public, vaping" is a joke, need educating.


"Jokes" are supposed to be funny - older people feeling intimidated in town by immature behaviour is FAR from funny.


Oh I know. I'd love the guys to stall or get stuck in traffic soon after.

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I too agree with Lee Chong and all the other posters who think that it's an exaggeration to describe Sheffield in such a negative way. I have just spent the last 10 days in Sheff, visiting my family. I spent most of my time in and around the relatively peaceful 'burbs of Wadsley in Sheff 6, but I went in and around the town centre area and West St a few times, both in the daytime and early/mid-evening - yet I never once felt even remotely threatened or intimidated. Of course, like most big cities, there is always going to be a few people with drink/drugs/mental health problems etc wandering around in urban areas, but surely this is a cause for sadness, not for scathing scorn? Most of these desperate individuals are not bad or dangerous, but just people like me or you - who have somehow slipped through the net? I accept that there are also a few dangerous psychopaths out there, but I think we need to keep a sense of proportion and perspective here.


I have lived in inner London for the last 30-odd years and I think I can safely say that when it comes to dangerous streets, " bad vibes" .... intimidating atmospheres...... well ... Sheffield is a Vicarage tea-party in comparison!

Edited by FIRETHORN1
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If someone came up and swore at me for no good reason, it wouldn't bother me one jot … it'd probably make me feel quite good in a perverse (and not very empathic way) sort of way.

After all, I can just walk away and get on with my jolly life … the sweary person can't, he/she's stuck with his/her mental turmoil/stupidity until he/she either grows up (doubtful), gets help (doubtful), or waits until karma catches up with him/her (undoubtedly in the form of a fist). Walk on, nothing to see here.


Swear words are just words anyway, and I've heard them all. I don't find the words offensive at all, just the way in which they're sometimes delivered … great for comic effect every now and then, and otherwise just as an indicator of the sweary person's IQ.

Karma sorts things out. :)

Edited by Alcoblog
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It isn't fine though, SomeNextGuy - people such as Cyclone, who think that "heavy petting at the bus stop, breaking wind and/or belching in public, vaping" is a joke, need educating.


"Jokes" are supposed to be funny - older people feeling intimidated in town by immature behaviour is FAR from funny.


It's presumably a joke because the behaviours I highlighted are not illegal, or even anti-social. They included "chewing gum" and "belching"... :huh:

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really? Youre talking utter rubbish. Hull is a horrible depressed place. Sheff city centre is marginally better.


When was last time you were there? The Deep is a great attraction and down by the harbour is the best little museum I have ever been in. So unless you are travelling in different circles to me then I think you are the one talking rubbish.

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When was last time you were there? The Deep is a great attraction and down by the harbour is the best little museum I have ever been in. So unless you are travelling in different circles to me then I think you are the one talking rubbish.


I was there multiple times in 2013. Hull is consistently voted one of the worst places to live in uk.


---------- Post added 07-09-2015 at 09:26 ----------


The data proves that when compared to other similar areas in similar cities, it's one of the safest in the country.

And seeing one shoplifter being arrested is a) unusual, b) not proof of anything.


The data proves the city centre is much more dangerous and more crime and anti social behaviour than other neighbourhoods In sheffield.


---------- Post added 07-09-2015 at 09:30 ----------


I too agree with Lee Chong and all the other posters who think that it's an exaggeration to describe Sheffield in such a negative way. I have just spent the last 10 days in Sheff, visiting my family. I spent most of my time in and around the relatively peaceful 'burbs of Wadsley in Sheff 6, but I went in and around the town centre area and West St a few times, both in the daytime and early/mid-evening - yet I never once felt even remotely threatened or intimidated. Of course, like most big cities, there is always going to be a few people with drink/drugs/mental health problems etc wandering around in urban areas, but surely this is a cause for sadness, not for scathing scorn? Most of these desperate individuals are not bad or dangerous, but just people like me or you - who have somehow slipped through the net? I accept that there are also a few dangerous psychopaths out there, but I think we need to keep a sense of proportion and perspective here.


I have lived in inner London for the last 30-odd years and I think I can safely say that when it comes to dangerous streets, " bad vibes" .... intimidating atmospheres...... well ... Sheffield is a Vicarage tea-party in comparison!


London or parts of it are infinitely more dangerous. But thats compared to any part of uk or europe.


Sheffield is relatively safe. However on analysis of the data I was surprised to see its not as safe as some other places in south yorkshire, including rotherham.


---------- Post added 07-09-2015 at 09:33 ----------


People spitting, swearing, urinating in the street, heavy petting at the bus stop, breaking wind and/or belching in public, vaping, taking drugs, picking pockets, chewing gum..............der, d, der, d der................ need I go on?


I avoid town like the plague - is there any wonder? People of my age see it as a no go area these days. It's a shame, it really is.




all intimidating...kind of behaviour you find in town...west street and around is a cesspit of scummery.


---------- Post added 07-09-2015 at 09:42 ----------




Some residents views of hull...

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I visited the center on Saturday during the day for the first time in months and I have to say it did shock me to see numerous beggars scattered everywhere and (more than I ever remember seeing before) most looked like Eastern European women. I was not impressed by the old bloke I passed spitting everywhere either, disgusting habit. I go out regularly in the evening down town and find the atmosphere better to be honest.

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