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Blanking work colleagues – when is it OK to do this?

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Good grief! Working in the same environment as you must be a dream.


its really not, my days of towing the company line are over...


hence why I no longer work in a large office environment whenever possible!!


---------- Post added 03-09-2015 at 16:23 ----------



I like TJC1's idea too of just not looking at them as though I am discusted about been even in the same workplace as them!


Negative body language works. They soon get the message (without you having to spell it out)

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I ignore anyone and everyone unless they are a manager, even then I tend to ignore and blank them unless it's something to do with the job...


just random chat and BS i'll try and ignore...


so basically, unless you know them out of the office, or are required to converse with them during working hours to do your job, I just ignore!:)

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I ignore anyone and everyone unless they are a manager, even then I tend to ignore and blank them unless it's something to do with the job...


just random chat and BS i'll try and ignore...


so basically, unless you know them out of the office, or are required to converse with them during working hours to do your job, I just ignore!:)


good strategy. Its basically office BS. Unless you are working together, know each other, no point in putting an act on.

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I'm in my 20s and I think the people I work with is older but some are younger too so really it's a mix of people. It's actually an office we all work in so it's sometimes hard to avoid people but this has got me wishing I'd just ignored them from day one.


You need to jump up on your desk and belt out summat groovy by Laaaaanel Ritchie.

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I ignore anyone and everyone unless they are a manager, even then I tend to ignore and blank them unless it's something to do with the job...


just random chat and BS i'll try and ignore...


so basically, unless you know them out of the office, or are required to converse with them during working hours to do your job, I just ignore!:)


I had been puzzled when you used to rattle on about being unemployed given the knowledge you have in your area, I suspect your people skills have been responsible.


Here’s something that has been bothering me for a while and it’s basically about the right time to blank someone. OK, so you know that sometimes a person sees you and you try and say hello but they just walk on by and not even accept that you’re even there? Well that’s what I want to do to some people now but at the workplace environment. I work for a place and have done for about a year now. At first there was people that started as the same time as me and so at first we did the whole “hello and how are you?” rubbish what you got to do to be polite. This dragged on a few months even though we got our own mates now but for some weird reason we kind of keep doing nods and hellos when we see each other. Thing is though, it’s so obvious that no one wants to bother. Times have changed.


So the advice I want is this – how do I make a clean break? Basically when is it OK to no longer accept someone is even there? When is it OK to just blank these people?


What is wrong with just a nod and a polite morning, sounds to me like you have the hump because people don't want a full blown chat every day.


I suspect I have someone very similar at my workplace, miserable looking guy who would one day attempt to talk to me about total tripe and the next doesn't even make eye contact when we pass in the narrowest of corridors!


What's wrong with keeping it simple with just a 'alright' you sound very needy and immature.

Edited by muddywolf
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I had been puzzled when you used to rattle on about being unemployed given the knowledge you have in your area, I suspect your people skills have been responsible.


It's because of my ADHD/Autism - I struggle talking to people face to face any way, and I have always made employers aware of this....


If it's required, I can do it, but it's I get a rising sickness that comes from my toes, all the way up to my head, making me feel physically sick.


it happens in lots of situations, I can cope with it to an extent, but some times it's just so overwhelming....

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Small talk is not office BS, it's more like one computer pinging another, just to check everything is okay and everyone is happy. It's saying, hello, I'm here, friendly, approachable...


Ghozer, have to say, you've always come across as a friendly, decent and helpful sort on here. I've never been much of a people person, but I've found, the less you care about what others think, the more relaxed and natural you are around them. All the best to you dude. :)

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Small talk is not office BS, it's more like one computer pinging another, just to check everything is okay and everyone is happy. It's saying, hello, I'm here, friendly, approachable...


Ghozer, have to say, you've always come across as a friendly, decent and helpful sort on here. I've never been much of a people person, but I've found, the less you care about what others think, the more relaxed and natural you are around them. All the best to you dude. :)


I do try and be relaxed around people, and it really annoys me how I am with some situations, and it's totally unavoidable..


I can't even explain properly what i'm trying to get at, or how it feels/affects me, and that annoys me even more.. :S


Especially when people say to me "you just get a job" - it doesn't work like that.... :/


any ways, seem to be accidentally hijacking the thread - I apologise OP! :)

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People are complex Ghozer. I used to have a lot of shyness and anxiety around people, not so much now though. You find the more you relax and open up with people, the more you find most people are basically decent, happy, friendly, accepting people.


Try and relax around folk. If you find that hard, and feel anxious or whatever; maybe try and be more relaxed (accept) about the fact that you struggle to relax. Dunno if that will help. Good luck though, hope it works out.

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