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Which is your fave wrestler in WWE?

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Oh god I have so many, I like, Eddy - RIP, HHH, Trish, Chris B, Mick Foley, Big Show need I go on? There's LOADS of great wrestlers.


Who is your fave and why?


Is there anymore women out there who like wrestling?


Just have to say also the last Wreslte Mania 22 was brill



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No doubt about it....Ultimate Warrior.


Closely followed by Jake the snake Roberts, Bushwhackers and the million dollar man Ted Dibiase.


One thing i never understood though, why didnt the legion of doom fight with those spikes on they could have caused some rright damage.

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I used to be seriously in to it about 6 years ago, I went to the arena a few times to watch it as well. I know he isn't in it now but I used to really fancy Jeff Hardy, he was sooo hot:love:, I also went through a Billy gun pretty boy faze and a rugged big man Kane faze. I think when I first started watching I liked Shawn Michaels.


And I have always hated HHH and Stone Cold, I moved out about 5 years ago and haven't had sky since, but on the odd occasion I have watched it I thought it had turned in to the most boring predictable pile of poo ever, maybe its me that changed.:huh:

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Brett "The Hitman Hart" was always a fave of mine but Mick Foley really is God, I read his autobiographies and totally felt for him, the man is a legend.



I must admit to reading his first autobiography myself, I really though it would be a load of rubbish but it was actually really good.

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