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Which is your fave wrestler in WWE?

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What happened to Brocke Lesnar one minute the mutts nuts next thing he has disappeared. Anyone else remember Droz who used to be with the legion of doom I know he broke his back and ended up in a wheelchair.


If you can find "Beyond the Mat" on DVD I highly reccommend it its a documentary about professional wrestling it is exellent.

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What happened to Brocke Lesnar one minute the mutts nuts next thing he has disappeared. QUOTE]


Brock decided he wanted to try his other childhood ambition and play NFL. Unfortunatley he bombed and had to go back to wrestling.


Vince McMahon spat the dummy out about Brock leaving and wouldn't take him back.


Brock is now wrestling in Japan where is the heavyweight champ of the federation he is in.


(Oh, and he has a really cool tattoo across his front).

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What happened to Brocke Lesnar one minute the mutts nuts next thing he has disappeared. QUOTE]


Brock decided he wanted to try his other childhood ambition and play NFL. Unfortunatley he bombed and had to go back to wrestling.


Vince McMahon spat the dummy out about Brock leaving and wouldn't take him back.


Brock is now wrestling in Japan where is the heavyweight champ of the federation he is in.


(Oh, and he has a really cool tattoo across his front).


There's a rumour that he's going to try MMA

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I've heard that too. I'm not sure whether it would work or not. He is a big strong guy, but I don't know what martial arts background he has. We know he can wrestle properly but MMA?


Time will tell.


Wrestling has proved to be one of the most best "martial arts" for MMA. NCAA guys like Mark Coleman & Mark Kerr have had a lot of sucess in the Pride & UFC.


Although, now you need to be able to strike well also. The sport has evolved a lot.


I'm sure if Brock Lesner worked on strikes and a bit of BJJ he'd be a contender in MMA. He's a natural athlete afterall.

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