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Stories of my dad LISHER

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Claire, both your parents had massive respect for mine. My dad, your mum's uncle Johnnie, came back from the war in 1945 and I was born at Brinsworth army camp where we lived in a tent, before moving to a house at 520 Herries Road, and I went to Shirecliff school. My mum sometimes played piano in sheffield at that time (probably near to 19 Hill Street) but then we moved south after seven years, because father got a job with Kodak, a good company.During our time in the south, dad was requested to visit big Edna and Johnnie Collins to help them with their accounts because the taxman was giving them a hard time. He was very good with maths, so, needless to say, he sorted it out for them. He had a rough time as a boy in sheffield, especially with his father, and when I asked your mum about him, all she would say to me was, "He were a bad lad, David!" In his defence, he himself came from a rough time in "Peaky Blinders" sheffield, and he was in the (at that time) 1st Yorkshire regiment that went to the trenches in France. They were considered to be a crack troop because they were the only troop that could fire off 25 rounds in a minute, something no other troop could match. In the 1914-18 war, that was quite something. More stories later, Claire 

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